Chapter 12 Lies

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Andy POV

     "What the hell was that Andy?"

     I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water.

     "Well?" She continued glaring at me and tapped her foot impatiently.

     "I....she came onto me. When I refused her she accused me of playing with her emotions," I couldn't believe the lie fell so easily from my lips. I felt a pit in my stomach as I lied. I'm a cheater and a liar. What was happening to me?

     She looked enraged, "I'm going to fucking kill her!"

     I walked up to her rubbing her back soothingly, "It's fine babe. I already told her she has to move out." The lies just got easier the more of them I told.

     Sam looked surprised, "Really?"

     I nodded slowly. She smiled huge hugging me, "Now everything will be perfect."

     I frowned at her answer. Why would Jj being gone make anything better? I thought they were best friends. I pushed the thought aside as I kiss Sam. I couldn't think of Jj anymore. Sam has to be my priority.


     How could he play with me like that. One second he wants me out and the next he is sucking my face off. And to make it worse he is engaged. Even though she is a fraud, he didn't know that. He had no reason to betray her, and I wasn't going to be his little play thing.

     I pulled my mirror out of my bag as I walked up to the library. My lips gloss was smeared. I pulled out a make up wipe and cleaned it off. I then reapplied my red lip gloss.

     I walk quickly into the library and spot Jordan by the computers. I see a pretty red head is sitting beside him. They both stand up hug and give each other a quick peck on the lips. I see red. How could he? I mean we weren't official but I thought he liked me. This is what I would always be, second best. I was second to Sam now second best to this red headed chick. I'm just so done.

     I turned around running out of the door as tears filled my eyes and I see red. As I was walking my phone dinged like I had I text but I ignored it. My phone then rang and beeped from the missed call.

     My phone rang again and I answered, "What?!"

     "Jj? This is Brandon from mystic café. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

      My mood immediately brightened, "Oh no sorry. I just wasn't expecting you."

     He chuckled softly on the other end, "Are your available for an interview today around 2:30?"

     I looked at my watch already 2. Damn it. I was going to have to run. "I will be there."

     "Alright see you soon."

     I stuffed my phone in my bag and made a sprint for the café. The interview went great and I was hired right on the spot. I was aloud to wear whatever as long as it was conservative. Meaning no ass or tits hanging out. Other then that a company apron.

     I walked out with a smile on my face. I pulled out my phone to see 5 missed calls and 3 texts from Jordan. I sighed and put it away. There was no reason to waste my time with someone who would yet again never put me first.

     When I got home I went straight to my room to look up apartments and keep packing. As I sat down I decided to finally look at Jordan's messages curious what he had to say for himself.

Hey where are you?

Did you forget?

Ok I'm leaving it's way late. I guess you had something more important today.

     I immediately became angry. How dare he act like I was the one who did something wrong? I quickly sent him a text.

Why don't you ask your red headed bitch that you kissed what was more important?

     My phone quickly dinged back.

What are you taking about?

Don't play stupid Jason. You kissed her. So I left to let you guys be alone!

Wait are you talking about my cousin Kelsey?

My blood felt like it froze. Cousin? There was no way. He kissed her!

Don't lie Jason!

I'm not I swear. I'll send you a picture of us and our mom's together.

     I was shocked as I picture of Jason a woman that looked just like him and two red headed women that were obviously related. I feel so embarrassed. I had jumped to a conclusion like an idiot without knowing all of the facts. A few moments later my phone dinged again.

R u there Jj?

     I just stared at my phone for a few minutes thinking what I should say. I finally decided on an apology.

I'm so sorry Jordan. I'm so embarrassed. I assumed I knew what was going on without asking you. I'm so sorry.

     My phone started to ring sounding an incoming call. I looked at the screen. Jordan. I took a deep breath and picked up the phone.


     "Jj you have nothing to apologize for. I understand from a distance what it looked like. I would never do that because I was hoping there was something between us. I want you to be my girl friend but I want to ask you in person. Can we try hanging out again?"

     I froze as he said girl friend. How could he still wasn't me after all that craziness? Jason said my name getting my attention again.

     "Huh? Oh sorry yea I would love to try it out again. But I can't see you until after 4 tomorrow. I got a job!"

     " That's great! I knew you would find something."

     We talked for hours making me laugh at all the funny things he said. Finally I looked at the time seeing it was late and I had to be up early. We said our good byes and I fell asleep smiling.

Andy P.O.V

     I heard giggling as I walked by Jj's door. I felt jealous that some guy was making her laugh but I pushed it away knowing I did this to myself.

     Why did I propose to Sam? I ruined everything.

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