Chapter 23 Heart Strings

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Jj P.O.V.

     Andy brought Jazzie in as I brought in the groceries and started to put them away. I was almost done when he came back out.

     "Still out?"

    "Like a light. Listen Jj, about what happened at the store-."

     "It was nothing," I quickly interjected as his face fell.

     "I felt something and I know you di -."

     I cut him off before he got any further, "Please drop it Andy. My husband, the love of my life, just died barley two weeks ago. I can't, no I won't get involved with another man so soon. Especially not someone who I've always been their second choice."

        He opened his mouth to speak and I just held up a hand to stop him, " Please just leave it alone. Your my friend Andy and I don't want to ruin it because I've already lost so much. Please just let it go."

     He looked down defeated and looked away from me. I put the last few things away in silence and walked out to the room I was sharing with Jazzie. I laid on the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling lost in thought.

     What was I gonna do? This was all just happening too fast. And I couldn't betray the memory of my husband by just jumping right into bed with Andy. I needed more time and maybe some space. I don't need the money but maybe I could get my job at the coffee shop down the street back. I just need some time to focus on my own emotions and my poor little girl. Even in her sleep small tears fell down her heart broken face.

     I rolled over studying her face as my eyes grew heavy and I fell into an exhausted sleep.

Andy P.O.V

     I mentally smacked myself as I watched her walk out in silence. Why couldn't I just leave well enough alone. She's already in a vulnerable place. I shouldn't have tried to act on my feelings and instincts even if they felt right. I grabbed a cold one and went up into my room and sat at my desk.

     There was a knock on my door and Cc came in before I could even answer and sat on the end of my bed and looked at me.

     "Don't give up on her man. She loves you she's just hurting so bad right now she can't see it."

     "How did you know?"

     "I was walking towards the kitchen. You two get in your own little world sometimes and forget about anyone else." Cc smiled and shook his head as he said it.

     I rubbed the back of my neck, "I'm trying man. I just want to be with her so bad and I couldn't stand myself if I lost the chance again."

     "I know man, just give her some time. She's been threw a lot in the past 5 years. Just give her a break and take it slow," he got up and patted me on the shoulder and walked out.

     I could do slow right? She's worth it. I just needed to remind her that she loves me and I'll just start with small things. I'm gonna cook tonight. I don't know what I'll cook but I'll try something.

Jj P.O.V

     I woke up to Jazzie shaking me slightly saying, "Mommy why is it so smoky?"

     I sit up quickly and look at the smoke in the room as I smell something burning. I grabbed Jazzie up and walked down the stairs into the kitchen. I see a frazzled Andy trying to cook spaghetti. There's red sauce everywhere and half of the noodles are in the water but the other half sticking out are on fire. I quickly grabbed a cup of water put out the fire and turned off the burners.

     Andy gives me a embarrassed look and says, "Dinner is served?"

     Between his frazzled face the mess and everything I assumed went down I burst out laughing so hard I couldn't breath. When Andy saw me he let out a deep breath and laughed with me. I heard a small giggle from Jazzie as she naturally just laughed with us.

     All of a sudden we both stopped laughing and I looked right into his eyes. I saw the light the laughter gave his clear blue eyes and I was immediately brought back to the first time I saw them, "my savior."

     I whispered this so low I doubt he heard me. Then, better late than never, the fire alarm went off. This knocked us out of our trance. Andy jumped and went to try flapping his hands at the fire alarm frantically. I laughed and wet down a towel and tossed it over the smoke detector. Immediately the sound stopped.

     I saw how close together we were and I cleared my throat and stepped back, "Maybe we should just order pizza and leave the cooking to me from now on."

     He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and agreed. This man even when he messed up was pulling at my heart strings. How was I going to resist him for much longer?

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