Chapter 5 Jj

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     The next morning I woke up on the couch and stretched as I let out a long yawn. I let out an oof noise as something heavy landed on me, knocking the wind out of me. I opened my eyes to a grinning Cc who had obviously sat on me.

     "Hello sleeping beauty."

     I squirmed trying to throw him off of me and finally said, "Get your fat ass off me!"

     He grinned and got up. He walked into the kitchen opened a cupboard and said, "Want some cereal kid?"

     I frowned at the use of the work kid and said, "Depends on what kind you have."

     "We have Cheerios, count chocula, and captain crunch"

     I jumped up and grabbed the captain crunch from him, "Mine!"

     He laughed raising his hands in surrender and backing up. I went through the cupboards and searched for the biggest bowl I could find. I made my bowl up and as I sat down in the booth Cc was already eating count chocula. As I sat down he looked at me and started laughing. He spewed cereal from his mouth and milk from his nose all over the table in front of him. I grabbed my bowl covering it as best as I could to prevent the chocolate chunks from getting in my yummy cereal.

     Cc laughed harder and said between laughs, "Did ...did ....fucking .... the whole box!"

      I stuck my tongue out, "I'm a growing girl! I need this."

     Cc just laughed harder and fell onto the ground rolling around. What could I say? I loved my cereal. I even had an I love cereal t-shirt at home. With the table being covered in chocolate chunks I decided to sit on my mounds of blankets where I had slept and eat my cereal. After about 2 huge bite I heard the song good girls bad guys by Falling in Reverse blaring from my phone. I sat down my cereal carefully and ran to grab my phone from the counter. I didn't recognize the number but I unplugged it from my charger and answered anyways.


     "Hello is this Ms. Jones?"

     "Yes, who is this?"

     "This is Chief Malone from the police department. I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me?"

     "I really don't think that is necessary anymore sir."

     "OK, but if you don't mind could I ask you why?"

     "Well the man who rapped me is named James York and he died last night."

     The Chief gave his apologies for what I went threw and wished me well and then we hung up. After we hung up I pulled my knees up to my chest rocking back and forth trying to keep the memories from flooding threw me all over again. Unfortunately those ugly unwanted memories came back anyways.

     The smell of alcohol as his breathed fanned my face, the sharp slap, and the throbbing pain in between my thighs. I started trembling violently as tears ran down my face. I suddenly got up and ran for the bathroom as quick as I could, luckily no one was in there. I leaned over the toilet and puked up the little bit of cereal I had in my stomach. I sat on the floor, put my head between my legs, and started rocking back and forth. I heard a soft knock on the bathroom door and looked up as Sam peaked around the door.

     "Oh sweetie."

     Cc must have seen me run to the bathroom and told Sam to see if I was okay. She knelt beside me and put her hands on both sides of my face looking at me. She got back up and grabbed the mouth wash and a damp cloth. She cleaned around my mouth and watched as I swished the mouth wash and spit it into the toilet. With my mouth clean I felt a little bit better.

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