Chapter 13 Halloween

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     I looked in the mirror at myself happy with my vampire costume. Jordan invited me to go one of his friends Halloween party. It should be fun. I would party tonight and tomorrow I was moving all off my stuff into my new apartment. It was only a studio and it was small but it was all mine. And I could have anyone over that I wanted sense Jason and I are now officially a couple. Andy had not talked to me sense then kiss and slap and I could feel Sam silently seething at me every time I walked by her.

     I walked out of my room went down the stairs and sat on the couch with the guys while I waited for Jordan to show up. Andy didn't get mad at him coming over anymore but he was never aloud threw the door so the guys had never met him. A loud knock sounded the the living room and I ran for the door. I was in a screw Andy mood so I brought Jordan in to meet the guys. Unfortunately Sam's skanky self was sitting there too. I watched as her eyes raked up and down him as I pulled him closer to make a point of who's he was.

       "So guys this is Jordan," everyone threw him a friendly hello except Andy who was glaring holes into him.

     Jordan shifted uncomfortably, "We should get going babe. Don't wanna be late."

     My cheeks warmed at the endearment and I nodded in agreement yelling goodbye to everyone. There was a chorus of returned goodbyes as we exited the house. Jordan let it a sigh of relief as we got into the car backing out of the driveway.

     "So that was intense."

     I laughed, "Yea it was a little hot in there with their laser eyes wasn't it?"

     He laughed nervously, "Yea and that chick basically eye raping me."

     I smiled happy he had no interest at all, "Yea she's a whore. But what can you do?"

     He chuckled, "What was that dudes problem with glaring at me?"

     I looked out the widow at the forest scenery, "No idea. I'm convinced he's just bipolar. But let's not think of them anymore. Let's just enjoy this night."

     I looked his costume up and down, "You are one hot Dracula."

     He wiggled his eye brows, "And your my sexy little victim."

     I burst out laughing, "More like I seduced you."

     The rest of the ride there was us debating which one of use were the most bad ass vampire. Jordan finally had to admit that I won. That or he really wanted to get laid tonight so he let me win.

     As we pulled up to the house I was confused. There were no lights on and there was no one there. I looked at Jordon confused but remained silent. Jordan still said nothing as he grabbed my hand pulling me towards the house. As we stepped into the house I looked up at him confused.

     He smiled as he pulled me along, "I thought instead of a noisy loud party you would like a night in with me. I have red soup that could be mistaken as blood. I also have popcorn and every vampire movie I could find."

     I smiled up at him and pecked him on the cheek, "I take it you like this."

     "I love it. But I wish you hadn't told me it was a costume party. I didn't need to wear all this make-up."

     He chuckled, "But you look so cute!"

     I gave him a look that showed I clearly was not amused. He then pointed me to a bathroom so I could wash my face and remove my fangs. I didn't buy those cheap ones that are like an uncomfortable pair of extra teeth. I bought the ones that are two tiny fangs that come with a paste to mold them to your teeth so they feel real.

     I walked out feeling better with a clean face to find Jordon heating up the soup and making some grilled cheese sandwiches. My stomach growled as I realized how hungry I was. I walked behind Jordan and hugged his waist. He hummed in appreciation of the warmth and turned around pecking me on the lips. I smiled as he released me to finish the food I smiled and walked to the dining room table. Jordan followed quickly after with the sandwiches and the soup.

     I took a bite of my sandwich and spoke up, "So who's house is this?"

     "It's mine."

     He said this so nonchalantly like we were talking about the weather, "Your what? 20? And you already own your own home?"

     "Don't be so shocked. I'm am important man in a growing business. I've done well for myself. "

     " What type of business is it?"

     "It's an investment company."

     "Investment in what exactly?"

     "A lot of things but that's not important. Don't worry about it babe."

     I didn't like that he seemed to be avoiding my question but I let it go. Not wanting to ruin our night. We finished dinner in silence then went into the living room to watch our movies. Naturally Dracula was the first on the list. We sat awkwardly next to each other for the first half of the movie I then started shaking slightly from the cold. Jason must have noticed because he pulled me to his warm chest.

     Jason tipped my face up as he started to slowly lean in. When out lips touched I felt butterflies erupt. I froze when I felt him trying to open my mouth feeling the long forgot darkness creep in. I pushed him away roughly and saw the anger on his face.

     "Why do you always do that? Every time I try to be close to you you pull away. What am I doing wrong?"

     I looked down ashamed, "It's nothing you did."

     "Then why? Why keep punishing me?"

     My anger flared, "This isn't about you! I was raped ok? Is that what you want to hear? I'm Fucked up because I was raped? Happy now? Now you know! Now you can leave me because I'm damaged and no good for anyone."

     There was a long moment of silence before I felt rough hand wiping away the tears I didn't know had started falling. He pulled me to his chest as the tears started flowing freely and I started to sob. He muttered soothing words as he ran his hands threw my hair.

     As my crying slowed to hick ups I heard Jordan say quietly, "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I will never let anyone hurt you like that ever again. I don't want you to move into that apartment. Please move in with me."

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