Chapter 6 The Breakup

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     I laid on my bunk facing the wall and playing on my phone. I didn't want to go back into the main room just to get more looks. I jumped as someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see Andy and he looked mad.

      "Where are they?"

     "What are you talking about?"

     "Don't play dumb. Where is my pack you stole?"

     "How would I steal one when your room is always closed? Get out of my face."

     I pushed him back as I went to get up. His arm wrapped around my waist as I tried to get by. He pulled me against him and I smelt alcohol on his breath.

     "Have you been drinking?"

     He gave me a lopsided grin, "Aren't you a smart cookie?"

     I looked at him in disgust and pushed on his chest as I went to walk away. I went off the bus to find the guys all sitting outside talking. I went and took my normal spot beside Cc.

     "What the fuck is wrong with Andy?"

     "What do you mean?"

     "He smells like he took a bath in alcohol."

     As Cc was about to answer me out came a drunken Andy. He stumbled over and started hugging everyone and saying how much he loved them. What the fuck was going on? Cc and everyone jumped in to grab him. Cc came back out shaking his head.

     "What's wrong with him?"

     "Juliet left. She left a note and left out threw his window. She said she was leaving him that it was obvious his heart was somewhere else and so was hers."

     I looked at him blankly as I felt a stabbing pain in my heart and went back to my bunk. He loved someone else? I curled up covering my face with the blanket so anyone that walked by wouldn't notice the tears slowly rolling down my face. I shouldn't be felling this I barley know him. but I do feel it.....I do feel it.....

Andy POV

     I went into my room to check on Juliet. She went into there a while ago she should have been out right now. As I went in there was no Juliet. I checked outside and the bathroom but the wasn't there either. I went back into my bedroom and noticed a note on my bed. I opened it instantly recognizing Juliet's writing.


Over the last few weeks we have been drifting apart. It is obvious your heart is with someone else just like mine belongs to someone else. I'm sorry this is how you had to find out I was leaving, but I couldn't face you. I will love you forever rabbit.

     I crumpled the paper in my hand and went into my closet and pulled out my vodka bottle. I chugged as much as I could before my throat started to burn. I took a deep breath and then went in search of my cigarettes. I pulled out one pack and kept smoking until I went through 3 packs. how could she be in love with someone else? I had always been faithful. I loved her, and no one else. She took my heart and now I would never get it back. I went to grab my last pack and came up empty handed.

     I instantly though of Jj. She would be the only one that would take them. I went off angrily to find her knowing I was way past drunk, but unable to stop.

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