Chapter 21 Lies

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Andy POV

     Jj looked up at me as if she suddenly remembered something, "Where is Sam and your child?"

     I let out a big sigh as Sam's face flashed into my mind along with anger, "The truth came out. About 6 months into our relationship. I was touring and she told me she had a miscarriage. A few weeks later when. I came home I heard her on the phone with one of her old friends and she was bragging about how she had tricked me into marrying her and faked a miscarriage. It tore me apart. I told her right then and there that she could get the hell out of my house and that I wanted a divorce."

     Jj looked at my left hand at the ever remaining ring looking confused. I pulled at the ring showing her it wouldn't come off. Understanding was on her face as she held up a finger to tell me hold on. She came back quickly with what looked like sewing thread. She grabbed my hand and I watched as she wrapped my finger and knuckle with it. She then easily slid the ring off. I smiled thanking her as I pulled the string off.

     I opened my mouth to speak but shut it as a little girl walked in rubbing her eyes. Jj stood up and picked her up rubbing her back gently.

     "How you feeling Jazzie baby," I watched as the small girl nodded her head.

     She looked so much like Jj. Blond hair and bright green eyes that eyed my wearily, like she didn't know what to think of me. I couldn't blame her. Tattoos covered almost my whole body my lip was pierced my clothes were black as well as my hair.

     Jj noticed us studying each other, "Jazzie this is mommies very good friend Andy."

     She looked at me with wide green eyes, "Did you know my daddy?"

     My heart broke at the hurt in her eyes. "I sure did princess. He was a really great guy and he loved you a lot."

     I saw Jj's eyes clouding over and reached out for Jazzie, she willingly came into my arms. She laid her head on my shoulder and I watched as she followed my tattoos with her fingers. When I looked back up Jj was gone but I heard water running signaling that she was in the bathroom. I rubbed the girls back gently as she traced my tattoos. Jazzie pulled back suddenly and put my face between both of her hands. A wrinkle appeared between her eyes as she looked into mine, like she was thinking very hard about something.

     She smiled, "I like you. Your a nice person."

     I looked up and saw Jj. I set Jazzie down and she ran off the the living room. I heard the TV turn on and Sponge-Bob ring out shortly after.

     "How did you do that? She hasn't smiled sense before her dad died."

     I shrugged, "I don't know."

     "Well whatever it is, keep it up. All I want is to see my baby happy.

      I watched as she walked into the living room and sat next to Jazzie. She curled into her mom and stuck her thumb in her mouth. I felt warmth in my once cold chest at the sight. I was going to do everything I could to keep them girls happy. After everything they had been threw, they deserved to be happy.

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