Chapter 8 Hurt

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Andy POV

   I gently got up not waking up Sam and looked down at her sleeping in my bed. I felt disgusted with myself. How could I do this? I gave her my mothers ring. I became angry. There was no way I had given her that. I shook her angrily to wake her up. She stirred and smiled up at me as she stretched.

     "Hi baby, what's wrong?"

     "What the hell are you doing in my bed wearing my mothers engagement ring?"

     She looked at me confused, "You gave out to me last night Andy. Don't you remember? It was right after Juliet left. She had left a note saying you loved someone else. You were drunk so I came in to help you and you told me your realized it was me you loved."

     I tried to remember last night. It was all so blurry and dream like. Suddenly I had a flash of someone on top of me naked. I had thought it was a dream and that it was Jess. I sat down heavily on the bed facing away from Sam. I felt her come up behind me and wrap her arms around my shoulders. I stiffened at her touch still unsure of this.

     "It's ok baby. I will make it all alright"

     She turned my head kissing me and I sighed kissing her back. I just didn't want to feel the pain for Juliet anymore. You know what Maybe I did love her and I was just so focused on Juliet and distracted by Jess that I never noticed.


     I heard Andy and Sam shaking the walls again as I walked to the bathroom to change into my new sexy cloths. It was weird that this was just happening out of the blue. He never seemed to show interest in her. I shook my head and continued past their room.

     I banged on the door yelling, "Hey! No one wants to hear you banging some slut!"

     I laughed when I heard the satisfying thud and howl of pain as someone hit the floor. All I could imagine was Andy sitting straight up and Sam's naked ass falling to the ground. As I got into the bathroom I jumped into the shower letting the hot water wash away all my worries.

     When I was done I jumped out wrapped my towel around me and grabbed another one to wrap around my hair. I quickly applied some make up then let my hair out of the towel. I took the blue dryer dried my hair then straightened it. I looked the mirror satisfied. I took the red corset top and slipped it on. I zipped it up from the side then slipped on my short leather shorts. I looked in the mirrors and adjusted my boobs so they were practically falling out. I then confidently walked out of the bathroom into the kitchen.

     It went silent as soon as I walked out. I ignored it as I grabbed a granola bar to munch on. As I looked up I saw Sam and Andy sitting together as Andy looked at me with a hungry look on his face. I eyed him back until Sam looked at me and I looked away.

     Sam then noticed Andy's eyes wandering to me. She glared at me and rolled her eyes as she grabbed Andy's face kissing him hard. I saw the glint on her finger then looked closer and saw a ring.

     "What the fuck?" Andy looked guilty and Sam looked smug.

     "Oh do you like it Jj? It was Andy's mothers. He proposed to me!" I could hear how fake she was in the nice voice she tried to put on. How did I never notice how fake she was before?

     Everyone looked at her and Andy shocked. I turned around rummaging around the cupboard hiding the tears in my eyes. I slowly heard all of the guys congratulating Sam and Andy.

     I swallowed my tears and turned around smiling, "Congratulations guys. I wish you every happiness."

     I saw the regret in Andy's eyes as I turned around and walked outside to have a cigarette. I smiled as the smoke filled my lungs. I blew the smoke out slowly enjoying the feel. I tensed as Andy walked out and leaned against the wall next to me as he lit a cigarette.

     He opened his mouth and closed it several times before he finally said, "Jess.."

     "That's not my named."

     He sighed annoyed, " Jj, I'm sorry. I didn't plan this."

     "Then what did you plan? You know what never mind Why should I even care? It's not like we are together or something."

     He had a hurt look on his face, "I know you felt something just like I did Jess. And I'm just so sorry this happened. But I have to give it a try with her." I looked at him and shrugged.

     He looked angry at my indifference, "Damnit jess don't act like this!"

     I felt myself get angry, "Like what? Your getting married Andy! To that bitch in there. Don't tell me how I should feel! I did nothing wrong! And you know by all standard neither did you. Apparently what we felt was all in my head. Just leave me alone ok?"

     I saw the shocked look on his face as I went inside to lay down in my bunk. I closed my eyes as I felt a head ache coming on. I closed my eyes and let darkness over take me.

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