Chapter 15 Secrets

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Jj P.O.V

     The next morning I woke up in a bed that was unfamiliar to me. I trailed my hands over the soft blankets. I came into contact with something hard and warm. I looked over and gasped when I saw a large arm, obviously a man's. I settled down as the night before rushed back. Jordan must have brought me to the bed and laid down with me.

      I smiled as I studied his face as he slept. He looked so relaxed and had a small smile on his face. His blond hair was falling on his forehead and moved up and down every time he breathed from his slightly parted lips. My fingers itched to brush the hair from his forehead. I finally gave in and brushed it away. He stirred and I froze finally breathing again when he settled back down. He was now in his back and I looked to his naked stomach. He was well defined but not to defined like a muscle builder. I gently ran my hand up his stomach before bringing my hand to rest on his chest over his heart. I smiled as I felt the thump thump of his heart.

     "You like the view?"

     My heart jumped as I looked into a pair of amused green eyes. "How long have you been awake?"

     He smiled, "Sense you touched my hair."

     "Oh! So you were just pretending to be asleep?" I looked at him from under my lashes. I felt embarrassed that I had been caught.

     I felt a pressure under my chin and I looked up at him, "No need to be embarrassed, love. I stayed silent with my eyes closed so you could explore without feeling embarrassed."

     I smiled at him, "By the way, the answer is yes." He looked confused, "I do like what I see."

     He threw back his head and laughed, his laughter was so infectious I finally joined him. We both settled down and I jumped up to use the restroom. I looked into the mirror realising I had no toothbrush or clothes or anything to take a shower in here.

     I walked embarrassed I had to ask, "So wouldn't happen to have any cloths or anything so I can take a shower and get the rest of this make-up off?"

     He smiled, "Of course love. I think my sister left some clothes here."

     He jumped off the bed quickly running off to get clothes. He handed them to me and I quickly went to the bathroom to shower. I quickly stripped down and jumped under the hot spray. I looked over to see woman's products in the shower. Did his sister leave those over too? Shaking my head I brushed off the thought. It must be from her. I jumped out turning the water off. I quickly got dressed and went in search of a tooth brush. Under the sink I found a pack of unused toothbrushes and tooth past. I quickly brushed my teeth and pulled a comb threw my hair.

I opened the door walking back into the bedroom to see Jordan had dozed off again. I smiled walking over to the bed and pressed a light kiss to his lips. He groaned pulling me into his arms. I giggled as he places light kisses onto my neck tickling me.

     "Come on babe. Get up so we can go get my stuff."

     He groaned, "No. Come back to bed."

     I smiled accidentally touching his ribs, and he tensed up. I then smiled evilly realizing what that meant and began to squeeze and tickle his sides. He bucked trying to throw me off as he laughed hysterically. Finally he grabbed my hands pinning them to my sides looking at me with laughter and amusement in his bright green eyes. He leaned down slowly as his smile faded and he pressed his lips softly to mine. I smiled into the kiss and wiggled my hands free putting my hands into his hair.

     He pulled back slowly, "Ok, let's go get your stuff."

     I smiled jumping up. Life is so great right now. I have an awesome hot boyfriend that just wants the best for me. He was so sweet and caring and I couldn't wait to get all of my stuff and get settled.

     The ride to the band house was quiet, but it was comfortable. Jordan kept a hand on my leg to whole time giving it a squeeze here and there so I would look at him and we would both smile at each other.

     As we pulled into the drive way all the cars were there. I took a deep breath nervous about facing Andy and Sam. Andy because of all of the mixed signals and Sam, well for obvious reasons.

     Jordan opened my door and grabbed my hand. We walked to the door hands connected. I opened the door without knocking. What happened next is what surprised me.

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