Chapter 11 Kiss

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Jj P.O.V

     I ran up stairs buried my head in my pillow and screamed. There was a light knock on my door which I responded to by yelling go away and throwing my pillow at it. Moments later a door opened with cautious looking Cc.

     He peeked around the corner of the door looking concerned, "Jj, are you ok? What happened?"

     I let out a frustrated cry as I threw myself into his arms and I poured my heart out to him about everything that happened with Andy. He soothingly rubbed my back letting me vent and cry until I felt a little better. Almost empty.

     He looked at me with the most serious face I've seen on him and said, "You want me to kick his ass?"

     I laughed at the serious look on his face, "No, It's ok. I'll just move out. I'll still come on tour with you guys but I can't live here anymore."

     There was a pained look on his face, "You don't have to move out. This isn't just his house we all live here and help pay the bills."

     I smiled gently at him, "Yes I do. But it's ok. I'll visit whenever I can and I will still go on tour with you. It will be like I never left. I promise."

     He smiled, "I wish you didn't have to, but I know you are doing what's best for you. I'll let you get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

     I nodded as he stood up and walked out closing the door quietly behind him. I laid down in my bed praying sleep would come quickly because tomorrow was going to be a long day.

~ The Next Morning~

     I woke up feeling like I had not slept at all. I knew one of the places would hire me so while I was waiting for a call I would pack up my stuff and use some of my money I saved up to get into an apartment.

     As I was packing my knick knacks my phone dinged on my night stand. I picked it up and read: (1 Jordan 2 Jj)

1:Hey beautiful, it's Jordan.

2: Hey handsome :-)

1: Wht r u doin?

2: Just packing some stuff. Wbu?

1: Just thinking about this beautiful girl :-). And y r u packing?

2: The guy I live with told me as long as I live in his house for free I have to do what he says. So I told him I would move out.

1: Wht a dick! I'm sorry hun.

2: It's not your fault. Don't be sorry.

1: Ok. Can I come help pack.

2: I wish but one of his rules was I don't bring "strange men" to his house. Actually that's what started the fight.

1: Wht was he jealous?

2: I don't think so. He has a fiance and has made it pretty clear he has no feelings for me what so ever.

1: Oh ok. Then he really is just a dick.

2: Totally lol. But meet me at the library later and we can hang?

1: Sure cutie. See you then ;)

     I smiled setting my phone down. I packed a few more boxes before I grabbed my jacket to leave.

Andy POV

     I woke up throwing my legs over the edge of the bed. I looked over at a still sleeping Sam. She really was beautiful, but what was missing? I looked at the time 1pm. I needed to go talk to Jj. I quickly pulled on sweat pants before going into the hallway where I ran into a fully dressed Jj.

     She froze when she saw me and tried to quickly move away. I grabbed her arm and she shook me off roughly with a hurt look.

     I held my hands up in surrender, "I just want to talk."

     "I think everything has already been said Andy." She said this softly and look everywhere but my face.

     "Please Jj I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me you can have anyone over that you want."

     She looked at me in disbelief, "I can't handle your mood swings Andy. One minute you're a nice guy and the next your the biggest dick I have ever met. If guys could have menopause you would have it!"

     I finally couldn't help it anymore and I walked up to Jj pulled her into my arms and covered her lips with mine. She froze but I kept moving my lips against hers until she relaxed and began to kiss me back. My hands tangled in her hair and it was as if she snapped out of it and she pushed me away.

     She slapped me with tears in her eyes, "How dare you play with my emotions? You despicable human being."

     I watched as she ran away from me right out of the door.

     I rubbed the back of my neck as I turned around and was faced with a glaring Sam. "What the hell was that Andy?"

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