Chapter 33 Heaven

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Two years later

     After that first date Andy and I had been inseparable. I very quickly moved back into Andy's house with Jazzie and a few weeks after moving in we found out I was pregnant, and on Christmas that year we welcomed our son Andy Jr. into the world. We had been successfully co-parenting with Sam for the entire time and things were going well. Life had been a fairy tale sense then, and today we were having our fairytale wedding. Jazzie was the flower girl and Jeremy was the ring bearer. I was currently sitting in my dressing room as the final touches were put on my hair and makeup. My mom was pacing behind me freaking out because we were running 10 minutes behind.  

     "Mom relax. We aren't running that late and its not like it can start without me."

     "I know babe, I just want this day to be perfect for you."

     I held my hand out to her and she grabbed mine. "I'm marrying the love of my life and father of my children Mom. Today is already perfect."

     She kissed my hand, "Your right babe. I'm just going to go grab the baby and sit down out there. I will see you in a few minutes."

     "I'll be the one in white."

     She smiled at me before she picked up a sleeping baby Andy before leaving the room to take her seat. I sat in the chair for a moment as I thought back on all the great things that have happened over the last 8 years, and the bad. I didn't regret any of it because without it I would never be here.

    I glanced up as the door clicked open to Tori sticking her head in. "Hey girl, you ready?"

     I smiled at my oldest friend, "As ready as I'll ever be."

     I stood up walking to the door and grabbed my bouquet from her. We walked down the corridor till we met a set of double doors and she went in to let them know I was ready. I heard the instrumental version of morticians daughter as the double doors opened. I took a deep breath as I stepped threw and began to make my way down the long isle. There were so many people looking at me, but the only one I had eyes for was Andy. 

     He looked so handsome with his hair smoothed back and a well fitted suit on. His smile was so big his face might crack, but I know that I was also wearing a similar smile. I felt tears come into my eyes as I saw the unshed tears that were also in his beautiful blue ones. I brought up a hand and quickly swiped them away before they could leave streaks down my face. I handed off my bouquet to Tori as I approached the alter. I stepped up and the music faded out as Andy and I joined hands. 

     We smiled at each other before we looked up at the pastor who had began speaking. 

     "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Jessica and Andrew in the union of marriage. This contract is not to be entered into lightly, but thoughtfully and seriously, and with a deep realization of its obligations and responsibilities. The bride and groom have each prepared vows that they will read now." He motioned to us and I pulled out a paper from the custom pockets I had put into my dress.

     "Andy, if someone had told me 8 years ago that we would be standing here right now I would never have believed them. I know it sounds cliché, but I was just a fan girl at the time. I never thought that me, the girl that stowed away on the band tour bus, would fall in love with and marry you. Our story was not love at first sight. It took a long time and many years for either of us to even admit we had feelings for each other, but that love is so strong because of everything we have been threw and I would never want to be doing this with someone else. We have made a beautiful life and family together and I cant wait to spend the rest of our lives loving each other." Andy reached out and wiped my cheek as a stray tear fell. 

     Tori handed me a tissue as Andy pulled out his vows and began to speak. "Jess, the last 8 years sense I have met you have been the biggest roller coaster I have ever been on. I remember the day I met you. I had woken up in the morning and I went to grab a shirt and found a young girl sleeping on a blanket on the floor of my closet. I was so mad, and I never thought one day you would be my wife. You were right if anything it was hate at first sight. We both made so many mistakes along the way but without these mistakes I would have never found my soul mate. You are the best person I know and an even better mother. You have the ability to forgive people no matter what they do to you. I am so lucky that on this exact day two years ago that you decided to give me another chance. I will love you forever and I'm ready to start living our forever." I blotted at the tears on his face as he finished and he grabbed my hand before placing a kiss on my palm.

     The pastor smile at us as he spoke, "Not a dry eye in the place. So lets get you guys married. Jessica, do you take Andrew to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him for as long as you both shall live?"

     I looked into the eyes of my soulmate and as I slid on his wedding band I said, "I do."

     The pastor turned from me and looked at Andy who was looking into my eyes again. "And Andrew, do you take Jessica to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her for as long as you both shall live?"

     A beautiful smile stretch across his face as he placed my ring and said, "I do."

     "Well then by the powers vested in me by the great state of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

     Andy cupped one side of my face as my hands rested on his chest and he kissed me. The clapping and cheering was more like background sounds as we kissed. We separated as the exit music started playing and turned to the crowd hand in hand. 

     Over the speakers we heard, "May I now present, Mr. and Mrs. Biersack!"

     We raised our hands as we walked down the isle and I smiled looking at Andy as we walked into our little slice of heaven.


So much has happened sense I started writing this and I cant believe that after all of this time it is over. Thank you to everyone who had read this and had to put up with all the times I had writers block. I really appreciate you all and would like to thank you for sticking this out with me. I hope you enjoyed this story. <3

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