[13] Guilt, Truth, & Fights

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- Cam's POV -

"Day, there will be a time when I must tell you, when I have to tell you." I said, "But that time, is not now."

Her face fell and we finally arrived at the diner where we had left my car. "Take me home."

"Day, don't do something that you'll regret." I said as she glared out the window.

"I said, take me home." Day said.

I drove her home, but right as she was getting out of the car I grabbed her wrist. "I-I wanna take you out again, without any interruptions."

"Cam,"Day shook her head. "I don't think that's a good idea. Especially if you can't even trust me as just a friend right now."

And with that, I watched her walk into her house.

"I'm an idiot!" I said, banging my head against the steering wheel. "Why Cameron? FUCKING WHY?!"

I called Jay and he came over.

"Dude, you might wanna get out of your car." Jay said as he pulled into my driveway.

"Oh," I got out of my car and we went inside. I layed on my bed.

"So," Jay said. "Why'd you call me?"

"It's Day." I said.

"Isn't it always?" Jay joked. "But I don't blame you. That chick is cute."

I looked over at him with confusion written all over my face. He looked up from his phone. "Oh don't tell me that you never at least once thought Peyton was attractive." Jay rolled his eyes.

"But if I said that about Pey, then it would be out of pure lust." I said, "You said that like you meant it."

Jay looked me in the eye for two seconds and back at his phone. "I did mean it." He whispered.

"You what?" I blinked.

"I meant it, okay?!" Jay exploded. "She's cute. I-I have a soft spot for her, I guess."

"Well, can you become her friend then?" I asked.

Jay sighed. "I can try."

- Day's POV -

After Cam dropped me off, I ran into my room and cried on my bed.

Why couldn't he trust me? Was I selfish? Was I an annoyance to him? Was he keeping something from me? Did I trust him? Why was he keeping things from me? Am I overreacting? Why didn't I just say no? Why did I say yes? The devil on my shoulder scolded me.

Because you love him. You both fell in love my chance. But it's your choice to stay in love or not. The angel on my other shoulder said.

I grabbed my pillows and threw them on the floor, exasperated.

"Why?!" I yelled, tears running downmy face. "I'm a fucking bitch! Ugh!"

I grabbed my laptop and threw it across the room. I couldn't stop crying so I lay on my bed with my face in my hands.

I might have lost my bestfriend, or my boyfriend, or whatever the hell he is to me.

"Day?" I heard a voice say.

"Go away whoever you are." I said through the tears, I was now under my covers trying to sleep.

"He'll tell both of us when he's ready." I turned around to face the voice.

"Jay?" I asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Day, I came over to ask you if we could be friends." Jay said.

"You've done way too much to me to deserve that title." I answered.

"What?" Jay asked. "What did I ever do to you?"

"You, uh." I paused, thinking. That's when I realized that I had no reason to hate Jay Moss. "You must've done something."

He took a seat on my bed. "Day, I didn't do anything. You didn't do anything."

"You're right, I guess I was just worried that you would take Peyton away from me." I sighed.

"Well I won't. I never will. Because Peyton is not the girl that I want." And with that he cupped my face and brought my lips to his.

I was to surprised to do anything. Eventually, we pulled away.

I stared at him, bewildered. "I-I thought you hated me."

"I plotted against you, in many ways, yes. But I never hated you." Jay said.

"Leave me alone!" We heard a voice outside scream.

"Hey! Stop! We need to talk!" Another voice yelled.

"Dick! No, this is over! We are over!! Don't!" Jay and I ran over to the window. We saw Cam and Peyton, fighting in Cam's driveway.

Always the Bestfriend, Never the Boyfriend (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now