[37] Need Me

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- Day's POV -

"What did I do?" I asked, not remembering why I was here.

"Y-" Ryan started.

"Doesn't matter," Peyton barged into the room. "Let's go."

"Hi Peyton!" I smiled at my friend.

"Uh, hi?" She looked at me weirdly, "Look, are you high or something because you keep smiling and it's not your usual smirk. Nope. It's actually more of a girly smile. I don't like it! Change it."

"Change what?" I sang. "This is the real me! I'm as happy as can be! I will show the world who I can be!"

"Day! Shut up! What's running through your head?!"

"Well, at first it was a pegasus, but now it's a pony!"

"Why are you- Oh no, don't tell me... You didn't!''

"I didn't what?"

"Open your mouth, now."


"Because I said so."

"You're not my mother.''

"No I'm not. I'm something worse, so please, just open your dirty mouth."

"My mouth isn't dirty! I brush my teeth everyday and night and after lunch or sometimes I just chew some gum like today, see?" I opened my mouth wide to show my friend. "Ahhhh."

"Seriously?" Peyton facepalmed herself. "Why would y-"

She was cut off by a really cute guy. Which I can't remember the name of. He seems so familiar. He has sparkling blue eyes and brown hair. He was wearing a letterman's jacket, meaning he's a player of girls and sports.

"Hey ladies, what's going on?" said Mr. Cutie.

"Wow, you're really cute!" I smiled.

"Gee thanks." He smiled back.

"But, you're a player." I frowned.

"Day, stop bothering him." Peyton glanced from me to Mr. Cutie.

"I wish I could have my baby with you instead of- mmph!" A hand covered my mouth and dragged me out of the school.

"What is wrong with you?!'' Cameron yelled at me.

"Nothing! I just wanted to talk to that really cute guy." I answered.


"She's chewing bubble gum." Peyton sighed.

"Why did you take me away from him?" I started to mumble things, I could hear myself but I didn't know what the hell I was saying.

- Cameron's POV -

I glanced at Peyton once Day started mumbling. "Let's just take her to my house, at least until she "sobers up" a bit."

"Alright." Peyton chuckled as we led Day to the car.

We arrived at my house and as soon as Day sat down on the couch, she fell asleep.

"Let's go into the kitchen so we won't wake her." I whispered.

Peyton nodded and then she stopped moving. She scrunched her nose up, as if she was trying to recall a memory.

"What?" I asked.

"N-Nothing." She answered. "Well, okay, so maybe there is something."

I raised and eyebrow at her, "Go on."

"Well, right before you saved Day from public humiliation.... She said something that came to my attention. She said "I wish I could have my baby with you instead of-" and then you cut her off."

I didn't answer. Peyton was a smart girl, even though the grades didn't show it.

"Cameron? Y-You d-don't think...." She trailed off.

"I don't think what?" I scowled.

"You don't think... She's not, like, pregnant, right?"

Once again, I didn't answer. And that's where Peyton found her answer.

"You knocked her up!" Peyton yelled.

I winced, "Uh, yeah, kind of."

"Cam, do you know what this means?"

"I'm a dad?"

"You've been a dad since you were like 11." Peyton rolled her eyes. "It means you just fucked up Day's life."

"How did I do that?"

"Well, she'll constantly have to take care of the baby, everyone at school will find out soon. Her parents might kick her out of the house, and it's all just because you wanted a good night."

"She had a say in this too! She could easily have an abortion!"

"As if! She's not a murderer."

"I'm sorry, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? Maybe you're right. Maybe everything's my fault.  Maybe I'm stupid. You're smart, right, Peyton? Alright, well then put yourself in my shoes and you fix it! Because it's pretty damn hard for me to fix it myself!"

Something flashed quickly across Peyton's face. Something familiar. A mixture of sympathy, pain, guilt, anger, disgust, tired, stressed, and a bit annoyed, that was the face of Peyton Lynx at this moment.

"Cameron," Peyton stepped forward and took my hand. "This is crazy. I know that. You know that, but before you try to get things right with Day, fix your mistakes with Jay. You're gonna need him for these next nine months. And... You're also gonna... need me."

I stared down at Peyton, What do I say? What do I do?

"You don't have to say or do anything, but w-when you need me... I'll be there." She blushed.

And the unexpected happened. Peyton stood on her tip toes, and pecked my lips. No sparks, no flames, no disgust, no fireworks, no hurling feelings. It just felt right. But she pulled away to soon, she knew it. I knew it.

"I-I'm s-so sorry. I, uh, don't know what happened. I got wrapped up in the moment. I guess I thought you were Jay. I- That didn't mean anything. I'm sorry, Cam, I'm a mess." Peyton stormed out of my house.

A/N heyyyy people! i have the rest of the book in my head. i know what's going to happen next, and i know who is going to end up with who. but i just wanted to see how many people thought about ships. so.... i have options.

Day - as in just Day by herself without anyone

Dameron - Day + Cameron

Camton - Peyton + Cameron

DJ - Day + Jay

Jayton - Jay + Peyton

Ray - Ryan + Day

please comment which ships you want, im looking forward to see which ship will win. ;)

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