79. My Holiday

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Another chapter for you; this one dedicated to Alyssa. Thank you, and enjoy!

It was Christmas Eve, and Ffrances's first day off over the holidays. She would have been just as happy to work, but they had pushed her to take at least one rest day. I wasn't surprised; I could see the emotional strain it was putting on her. It was amazing how much had changed when we found a free hour to strecth out in bed together and listen to a recording of her in full hypnodomme mode.

It was something I hadn't tried before. She agreed to let me listen with her, even if I didn't really want the triggers. It would help me to understand, she said, exactly how it was going to work. Tess and Ffrances would be listening to exactly the same hypnosis, so they would be reacting in exactly the same way if I couldn't talk them into changing their plans before it came to our Christmas celebration. I was just a bystander, listening to the recording and imagining the things it described, but with no intention of actually acting them out. I'd never actually tried listening without something to focus my eyes on before, whether it was Ffrances's lips or her favourite metronome. But she had made this recording so that Tess could use it too, wherever she happened to be, so there was no reference to a visual cue. We lay back in bed, she found the file on her phone, and pressed play – after asking me more times than she needed to whether I was sure about doing this. And then she set it down on her alarm clock, and the sound came from the speakers.

To start with, I hadn't known if I was going to slip into trance or just watch Ffrances as her mind melted away and try to control myself. But I should have known that her words were more powerful than that. After five minutes of watching her eyelids flutter, barely paying attention to her voice surrounding us, I was opening my eyes and stretching, feeling so blissfully calm that it took me a few minutes to remember just what we had been doing.

Ffrances was relaxed as well, and I thought that she wouldn't have coped nearly so well with all the stresses of her job if she didn't have that hour of complete relaxation. I was still nervous, knowing that it wasn't natural for a domme to be so passive, but I could see how good she felt afterwards. So I knew it wasn't really my place to complain.

The morning of Christmas Eve was actually the second time we listened to her recording. She looked just as blissful the second time, and I was glad she had that happiness. I could feel the same; perhaps I got even more out of it. Because although I'd decided this trigger would never be used on me, I could still have the thrill of knowing that commands had been set in my mind; of knowing how helpless I would be against those words. That was something a dominant personality like Ffrances would never understand; but it didn't seem like she was really worried about it. I could only hope that it went as smoothly when she was ready to go along with the triggers.

After an afternoon of relaxation, relaxed lovemaking interspersed with non-taxing board games, she seemed as happy as I'd ever seen her. When she went back to her apartment, I was hoping that the realisation that she'd been acting a little submissive all afternoon wouldn't hit her when she was alone. It had been fun to play around and tease a little while we were doing neutral things, but I knew she would need some support when she looked back and saw how she had acted.

But I had other things to think about today. Not Christmas this time; it was the big day tomorrow, but Ffrances wouldn't be back until the evening. It was just another day to me, waiting for my baby to be home so we could have a real Christmas. But because I'd had the opportunity to listen to that hypnosis thing, and I thought I could remember it well enough to properly understand the triggers; so I could use this time to analyse how it worked, how different people might have interpreted the same instructions. I knew that if Tess was going to drag Ffrances into regression with her, I had to find the best way to keep her feeling little, while minimising the number of symbolic baby days we needed. Sooner or later, she would accept herself as a full-time little. So until then, I needed to focus more on how to help Tess regress when she needed it, without having to make a day of it and make it special every time.

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