136. My Details

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This bonus chapter is dedicated to reqresser! Thank you again for all your support.

I took a long deep breath, and ticked off my current task from the 'to do' list. There were so many little jobs to do, and sometimes it felt like I was turning into a glorified secretary for all of my teams, but I was making progress. And, in fact, I had made enough progress for the day, so I was free to think about going home.

I wouldn't clock out yet, though. I was on target with all my work, which meant that I was free to chat online for a few minutes; or at least to catch up with the latest messages on the forum for The Baby Button. And that was starting to become the routine I ended each day with, because I was desperate to know now who the littles in Upper Ashfields were.

There was going to be a convention; an in-person meeting of littles and mommies, with TheAuthor'sLittleSister and possibly some other authors appearing as special guests. And since I had first heard about the event, the planning had gone ahead at considerable speed. It had moved from Greater Ashfields to Upper Ashfields, and now was being organised using the same administration systems I had designed for the secret meeting about the Striker movie. That meant that the organisation had been taken over by someone who worked for SYL, and had the support of management. Of course, I doubted that they would have told anyone what the meeting was really about. But back when I'd panicked over someone spying on my web browsing, Bracewell had reassured me that the company didn't care. As long as it was all consensual, we weren't permitted to judge.

I couldn't work out who it was. Little Vicky, who was doing most of the legwork to get the event organised, didn't leave any clues as to her real identity. But she had to either be connected to an employee recreation club in Upper Ashfields, have gotten permission from a manager, or be in management herself. And I just wanted to know how there could have been other littles at my company, working on the same campus, without me becoming aware of it. Of course, if they were on the other side of the site I might never have met them. Upper Ashfields was small by the standards of towns in the area, but it was huge compared to most corporate offices; and there was no way anyone could know the name of every employee.

Still, I was curious. I'd started trying to work it out when I thought Ffrances had met another little here; which would at least have been a clue. But now I knew that she'd been talking about Tess's friend, I thought that it was probably safe to assume that the littles were nobody I knew. But then... the mysterious Cain Gordon made me think again. He worked in another building, but he'd transferred from this office at about the same time I moved here. And he had practically said that his little was in my building. Who could it be? And could she be Little Sister's friend Vicky? Obviously, I had checked for any Vickys in the building directory, and found some excuse to speak to each of them. But they were all older, or way too serious to ever be littles.

I finished catching up with the forums, and there was nothing new. I really wanted to tell Vicky that I was actually coming; and that I might be able to bring my littles. But I had to ask them about it first, and I didn't know what Ffrances would think about being regressed in public. Still, when I thought about it like that, it gave me a new idea. I hadn't managed to find out anything about the people who I would be trusting with my secret; but Ffrances was more sociable and charismatic than me in a lot of situations. So perhaps if I asked her to join the forums and talk to people, she could check out the gossip around this convention and decide if it was something she was willing to check out. And I wouldn't be surprised if she could figure out before I could whether all of the people involved could be trusted to keep our secrets.

It took me a couple of minutes to compose an email; trying to make it sound like something I was merely curious about, rather than something I wanted to persuade her to try. I didn't want to push too hard, because that might put her off. And then I started thinking about the next step; how I would persuade Tess. I was sure that seeing adult babies would help her get over some of her hangups about letting her little side out; but persuading her to go out regressed would probably be a big challenge. On the other hand, if I could persuade Ffrances that Tess was incapable of making healthy decisions, there was a chance we could keep her regressed to a point where she wouldn't argue with the adults.

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