95. My Girls

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I sighed, frustrated with the volume of work in front of me. Days had passed since our substitute Christmas, and the joyful memories were no longer filling my mind. The day had mostly gone well, aside from Ffrances not quite managing to get back to her normal self. But we'd spent the evening with them both playing at little kids, and I'd realised that she was still enjoying it. Sure, she'd been mad, but it didn't seem to have a lasting effect. For a while I had been able to imagine that I actually had two littles; and hadn't complained about changing a diaper when Tess made her wet again. In fact, when I made Tess my helper and had her hand me wipes, powder, and baby oil like a surgeon's assistant, I think that was the biggest smile I'd ever seen from her in littlespace. Ffrances had been right in a way: looking after her little sister had been just what she needed to make her enthusiastic about being little. And I knew that if I could make her have those feelings more often without sacrificing Ffrances, she would soon forget about being a big girl.

I smiled for a second, and then my eyes focused on the screen in front of my face. Working late, I didn't have time to think about my kid. When I'd taken charge on the Claughton contract, I had underestimated just how much of a big deal it would turn into. Now I was planning a major conference, which would mean Upper Ashfields was filled with movie people as well as their finance teams. It was tougher than organising most conferences, because some of those people needed me to fix their travel arrangements as well, and I had to make sure that when celebrity directors and even an actor/writer were in town, they weren't going to be mobbed by adoring fans.

I hated that I couldn't get my work done by the end of the day anymore, and had to stay late. It was the second day in a row I hadn't been home until late. I'd had to text Ffrances and ask her to fix dinner for Tess when she finished work. This week was supposed to be all about the two of us, and I'd wound up missing her so much while I worked late. I'd even been thinking about proposing; it had been on my mind for so long. I'd started forming a plan, but I couldn't go through with it until I knew when I would be home. When I would find the perfect moment.

The two of us living together; and our little in the nursery. It would be a perfect life, but I couldn't take the first step until my job stopped being so intense. I couldn't even ask her to move in while things were like this.

I filled out a couple more forms, but it was hard to focus. I couldn't stop thinking about Tess and Ffrances. Hoping they were okay without me. I took a deep breath, and brought up a different window. I told myself that I wasn't breaking any rules, and that we were allowed to do whatever we wanted at work so long as we got our work done. Besides, there could be nothing wrong with checking on my baby. I was sure a couple of others in the office would look at an internet-connected baby monitor when they were missing their little ones.

My laptop was still in the lounge at home. Leaning against the wall as it charged, just partly open so you might not notice that the camera could see a diagonal sliver across the room. Ffrances was sitting there, flipping channels with the TV remote. But she switched it off when Tess came in, carrying two bowls and a bundle of cutlery. They must have decided to watch a movie while they ate, and I wondered what their food was.

"I listened to your recording again," Tess said with a blush. I allowed myself a little smile then. This was proof that I'd done well; that Tess was now prepared to reinforce her hypnosis without me having to force her. It wouldn't be long before I could take her as far as I wanted into babyhood.

"Me too. So, still curious?"

Tess nodded, and I could see the blush all the way from my office. I quickly put my headphones on, not wanting to miss a word but nervous about what people in the office would hear if I turned my volume up any more.

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