103. My Good Morning

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This is an extra chapter, posted to thank Dewayne for their support on Patreon. Each person giving me a little money to help me stay afloat gets a bonus chapter at the start of the month; so I hope you will all enjoy it. Thank you!

I opened my eyes and heard Ffrances's car rushing off down the street. I'd woken up just too late to talk to Tess before her meeting with the school administrators. I cursed my lack of awareness again; I should have found the time to say something about this to Ffrances before she took control of my responses. I hadn't been able to say anything but small talk when Tess had finished her homework the night before, although I'd learned a little more of why Ffrances was so excited to read the comic book informally known as gold ring. She told Tess that she'd been to Isaac's shop and asked again, but still had no news about whether he would have copies to distribute, but that she shouldn't think too hard about it. I smiled a little there. The old guy had been sure he would have a small number of copies when I asked; but had agreed to a little white lie so that I could be sure of giving my girlfriend a gift before she bought it herself.

It was a deal that was already going to cost me a lot, but I knew that it would be worth it. And with that on my mind I got up and rushed through my morning routine. Bathroom, straightening my hair, sexy underwear and a butterfly vibrator, a rushed breakfast, brushed my teeth, selected a semi-formal outfit for work today, double checked my makeup, and dashed out to the car.

I was unbuckling my seat belt when the vibrator pulsed into life. A gasp of surprise quickly turned into rapid breathing and a moan of pleasure. I had about fifteen minutes before I needed to be in the office; less if I was planning to delve into matters that weren't technically part of my job first so that I could give Ffrances a big surprise next month. I didn't have time for distractions now, but I also didn't have a choice. I bucked in my seat, my body automatically trying to bring me closer to the sensation that felt so good. I fumbled to grab my phone from my pocket so I could turn off the remote control support, but it was impossible to think of anything but how good it felt. I dropped my phone as my back arched, and I probably yelled loud enough that my coworkers could have heard if they'd been waiting in any of the dozen closest cars.

Eventually the pleasure subsided. I was out of breath and panting now, and feeling almost as good as I had with my Mistress's hands on my body as we tried to exhaust each other ready for sleep last night. I realised that I had drooled a little on the collar of my serious yellow suit; I could only hope that it wouldn't leave a visible mark. I quickly wiped my chin with a tissue, and looked up at the mirror to fix my lipstick. At the same time, I noticed that I wasn't parked in my usual area, and there were no other cars around at this time of day. She'd planned this well; as always.

"Good morning to you too, babe," I tapped out a quick XV message once I had my phone in my hands again.

"Enjoying yourself already?" the response came back right away.

"You should know. I didn't even realise I was wearing the butterfly until you did that. Was that remote, or automated?"

"You know I like to push your buttons myself. And I promise, if you've not got anything more important to distract you, you'll be having a lot more surprises today."

I loved the idea of that, and I wanted so much to be Ffrances's helpless puppet, feeling the vibe twitch into life and push me over the edge when I was least expecting it. But at the same time, I knew that I had other things in mind today.

"I'm sorry, Mistress. Work will be very busy today, and it might be hard to find any time alone, even at lunch time. I'll try to find time, but there's a lot of pressure about this conference. Can't risk causing work problems, you know?"

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