93. My Baby Girlfriend

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I was speechless as Tess stormed out of the room and up to the nursery. She hadn't just spat on all the effort I'd put in to make her comfortable with her little role; she'd degraded Ffrances as well, and actively forced her into a degrading situation. I couldn't believe that such a sweet little girl would ever do something like that. Did she not realise how disgusting it was to make someone mess her diaper? Or did she not care at all for Ffrances's feelings?

In any case, she was gone before I could even make a sound. I needed to deal with the important issues first, and that probably meant a diaper change.

"Come on, Ffrances," I said, walking over to her and taking her hand. "I think you need a change now. Would you rather go back to being an adult, or have me clean you up first so you don't have to deal with it?" I knew that was a pretty dumb question. It wasn't the mess that was the problem; what she hated was the humiliation, and having control taken away from her.

"Gabby!" she giggled, eyes wide. She seemed so happy; probably because she didn't even realise fully what had happened. She was probably in shock, and it had pushed her so deeply into that littlespace that she wasn't able to think clearly. All of those feelings would ambush her when she returned to normal, and I didn't know if she would want a shoulder to cry on or someone to punch. I'd be there for her in either case; as much as Tess needed to be punished for what she had done, she was still a baby and she couldn't be treated too harshly. Her punishment would have to come in a subtler, less physical form. Losing the choice about when she wanted to be little seemed perfect to me; and I made a mental note to tell Ffrances that once she was in a state to perform hypnosis again.

"Back to normal," I said. "You can be an adult now. Ready to grow up, Ffrances?"

She shook her head, and wrapped her arms around me in the clumsiest hug I had ever seen. I really had to hand it to her for making hypnosis recordings that were so powerful, even on a subject who was trying hard to reject them. It wasn't like what she had done to help Tess, who secretly knew that wetting her pants was going to be the key that let her become a baby for me. No, this was Ffrances herself, who knew all the techniques but was still unable to resist them even in such an extreme case. And for a second, I tried to imagine that she a real baby. What should I do in that case? How would I make her understand that she could just decide to end the trigger?

"Mommy change me!" she giggled, and I knew that was probably my only choice. Sooner or later the day would end, or Tess would say the other trigger. But because of whatever blackmail my cousin was using, I wasn't the one in control. I couldn't save her no matter how much I wanted to, and I hated being so helpless.

I led her up to my room. Most of the diapers and changing supplies were in the nursery, but I could see that the door was locked as we passed and Tess would only be mad if I let myself in now. There was spare stuff upstairs in any case, just not so neatly arranged. Ffrances giggled and danced on the stairs, coming close to falling but never quite losing her balance. It was weird having to treat her like a kid, but she didn't really acknowledge me if I talked to her normally now. Perhaps she was too traumatised by what had happened, and couldn't think clearly. Or she needed to escape the physical discomfort of a messy diaper before she would be able to think clearly.

She wasn't too wild. She lay down on the bed when I prompted her, but she didn't seem to understand what was going on around her. It broke my heart to see her like that. I peeled back the tapes, and then I could confirm that this wasn't just playing along with Tess's perverse fantasy. She really had messed herself, showing that the child had all the control. I cleaned her up with a dozen baby wipes, then bundled them all up inside the diaper and put that in a bag so I could dispose of it.

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