119. My Kindred Spirits

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For the rest of the day it was hard to focus on my work. Not just because of the sleeplessness engendered by coming into the office early so that I could stow a wedding dress somewhere safe without either Ffrances or my coworkers seeing it. Now, the puzzle in my mind was Cain Gordon. He'd answered my attempts at small talk with mostly noncommittal responses, but after the conversation had ended, I'd gone back and realised that several of the comments could have been alluding to the fact that he was Daddy to an adult baby. I told myself that it was a strange conclusion to jump to, and that the odds were astronomical against there being someone else with the same kink working for the same company as me. But as many times as I told myself, I still couldn't quite believe it. Not least because online chatter was now buzzing about a littles meetup in one of the Ashfields towns. And from the few hints that I'd seen dropped by the people trying to organise the event, it looked like all the systems and protocols I had engineered to ensure discretion around a secret group of Hollywood movie types, all those same systems would now be used for someone in this company who wanted to let adult babies and littles maintain their privacy. Could Cain Gordon be the one behind that? Had he hinted that he recognised me from my online activity, even though I'd never associated it with my real name?

And that thought sent me down the road of worrying about my privacy again; about whoever it was who had been spying on me, and whether they had been trying to identify him as well. Or even if someone else in the office knew about me, and had been watching my web traffic in an attempt to be sure before they reached out to me. But when I thought about it in more detail, I was sure that made no sense at all.

But I couldn't stop thinking that someone else in this town was into what I was into. It was like every dream I could ever imagine coming true at once. Even if I didn't know who, it felt like the happiest day of my life. Coming second to when Tess had confessed her barely-understood desire to be a baby again, perhaps, and it would surely be overshadowed when Ffrances agreed to marry me, but I knew that those were exceptional occurrences by themselves, and I was the luckiest person in the world to have so many incredible things happen to me.

The key to the puzzle, I realised, was Vicky. She barely interacted on FetishLibrary, even on the story forum for The Baby Button. But she was TheAuthorsLittleSister's friend in the real world, and Sister had mentioned meeting up with Vicky's Daddy in the past. Could Mr Gordon be that Daddy? That was something I wouldn't normally want to think about, because the whole idea of a man being involved was a big turnoff for me. Men couldn't have the empathy or compassion to properly look after a little, and I was sure that any man who called himself 'Daddy' would be focused only on using a little to live out his own fantasies, not caring whether it was really what she wanted. That was what littles needed to be protected from. No, a man should never be placed in that position of responsibility and trust, because they simply didn't deserve it. But if he was 'Daddy', then there was a good chance that he was bringing Vicky her packed lunch.

On the forums, more than half of Vicky's lifetime posts had been in the last month. She didn't talk about the stories much; maybe she wasn't even reading them. But she was taking the lead on organising this convention. That meant that she was involved with some company-recognised social group, so that she could use the protocols I'd set up to facilitate semi-anonymous gatherings. And it also meant she worked in the Fitzgerald Building, which limited the possible candidates to a little less than two hundred full-time and part-time employees. I didn't know how many people both had the seniority to organise social events and were in the building; or how many of those were girls. But I was sure that was something I could look up.

Victoria probably wasn't her real name. Nobody would show their real identity on that kind of forum. But it wasn't completely off the table, as she'd been casually mentioned by Sister before she even joined the site. If people already knew her by that name, perhaps she had reasoned that it was easier to keep on using the name they were familiar with. I should check before I started if there was a Victoria in my building, and if she had permission to use the relevant parts of the room and event booking system.

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