97. My Revelation

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This chapter is dedicated to Dewayne, with thanks for your support on Patreon!

Thank You

I had a lot of planning to do when I got home. It was already late, and my first task was to put a tray of lasagna in the microwave. Snacks in the office weren't the same thing as a real meal.

Tess and Ffrances greeted me like everything was normal; like they didn't want me to know how much fun they'd been having. That stung a little, but maybe they were justified. Both of our regression adventures so far, the days when we made a big event out of it, had finished with me pushing Tess in an attempt to force her to be smaller, to the point she got upset. Once she'd called Ffrances to stop it, and I'd been the one punished; while the second time she had just called an early end to the party. Neither of those was a particularly big deal, but now I wondered how it would have gone if I'd simply allowed Tess the chance to regress at her own pace. I hadn't seen any clues before that she actually wanted this, so I'd been under the impression that I needed to make her do something in order to convince Ffrances of her consent.

Now, it was possible that she would have played along anyway if I'd been a little more gentle. I didn't think it was likely, but if it could be then it would have worked a lot better, not giving her a reason to fight back against me. I promised myself that I would pay more attention to her moods, and her needs, before tricking her in future. I would let her regress herself as far as she was willing to go, making sure that she was safe and comfortable the whole way; and then she would be more trusting so that I could push her the rest of the way.

Ffrances was blushing a little, and after a few minutes she made some excuse to go get something. As soon as she was out of the room, I knew where I was looking. There was a magazine rack in the side of the coffee table; where a TV guide might have been kept in a bygone era. We rarely used it, but I had noticed earlier that two pieces of paper had been placed there when the babies were playing earlier. They had read them carefully, and then put them aside as if they didn't matter; perhaps even forgetting that they were there. And if I hadn't seen these two playing over my improvised nannycam, I would never have stumbled across them.

"You're a toddler," I read the first one. I could imagine Tess's childlike voice reading out her words as I read it, and my lips might have moved, but I was careful to stay quiet. "You're really excited about being allowed to use the potty now, but you don't notice you need to go until you're quite desperate. Each time you try you will be sure that this is the time you'll make it, but you always feel like you're bursting by the time you reach the bathroom, and as soon as you stop to open the potty lid you will find yourself going in your diaper instead. But a diaper change will always reassure you and make you feel safe, making you even more enthusiastic about next time."

So that was what Tess had made Ffrances experience. It seemed a little cruel to me, giving her hope and then snatching it away again. But Ffrances had been smiling while they played, and she'd certainly been happy afterwards. Perhaps this was what she liked; a convoluted little trick that she could try to find her way around but never quite escape. Like in bondage, when Mistress would leave just enough slack in her cords that with several minutes of concerted effort I could get one hand loose, only to discover that the position of my arms meant there was absolutely nothing it could reach. I needed to ask her about that at some point, if I could just find a way to broach the topic without giving away that I had been spying on them.

I expected the note Ffrances had written for Tess to be something similar. But as I read it, I thought that they had probably each come up with the kind of things they would enjoy themselves; projecting their fantasies onto each other. That would certainly be an interesting situation. This letter was written out in childish capitals; probably to add to the atmosphere.

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