132. My Journey

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"Did you talk to Tess yet?" Ffrances asked, once we were on the road home.

"Oh, yeah," I said, thinking about the comic book I was holding in my lap, still boxed up. I'd told Tess that I was going to get it for Ffrances, but I hadn't mentioned the changes that Kernigan had made for me. And she probably didn't know that I'd given it to her today; unless she heard from some of their mutual friends on that forum that it was out today. "Well, I might have mentioned–" Then I stopped again, as I realised that probably wasn't what Ffrances meant. My mind was so focused on my proposal that it was hard to judge the right context. But I remembered that Tess had come home from the hospital the evening before, and Ffrances hadn't been here then.


"Sorry," I said. "Mind on something else. Yeah, she's back home last night. Looks like she's a bit sore reaching for things, like I was earlier this week, but she seems to be okay. She actually came to see me at work yesterday."

"I guess that means she wanted to talk seriously."

"Yeah..." I said, remembering that conversation. Tess had asked me if the creep who'd been bothering her could move in at some point. It was a demand that no responsible adult would ever tolerate, but I'd found myself paralysed because Ffrances had forbidden me from saying 'no' to my baby. So I'd said that I would ask Ffrances. This evening I'd tell Tess that she had been the one to say no; or that it had been her parents who objected. It couldn't be me. But then how did I bring it up with Ffrances? I didn't want to actually ask her, because that would have spoiled the romantic mood.

"It's okay," she said. "You don't have to tell me if it's something you and Tess have already organised. I know you two are both pretty good at making plans. I mean... I would have said Tess was the logistical genius, after seeing her cut a clear path through all the hurdles that the hospital and police bureaucracy put in front of her this week. But today you impressed me just as much."

"Well, she asked for something crazy. Something I know her parents wouldn't tolerate."

"Gabby?" Her tone was all the warning I needed. "Was that what this was about? A fancy dinner, a perfect date, and exactly the right gift... is that a bribe to get me to overlook you causing problems for Tess again?"

"Of course not!" I said. "She's just being a child; over-emotional, and not thinking about what's best for her. I told her..." I hesitated then, and took a deep breath. I couldn't bear it if this disrupted my proposal. "I told her I'd ask you, and her parents. Which I guess is an obstacle, because there's no way they would ever..."

"Do you want to ask me, then? Tess has convinced me that she understands the situation well enough to make her own choices. When we were sorting out the discharge paperwork at Pine Ridge, she said that there was something important that she needed to do, and that she would need to ask both you and her parents. I phoned John Naylor this morning, and he said that he fully supports Tess's plan. And I don't think you would have gone through with this date if you were actually planning to break up with me. So... the only person who could veto Tess's plan is me. And I'm much less likely to do that until you tell me what it is."

"Okay," I said. "I'll tell you, and I swear I'll not make a fuss if you say it's okay. But the chance of that is zero, I promise you. If John approves, she must not have given him the full story. But..."

I thought about it, while Ffrances kept her eyes fixed on the road. And then I decided that in this situation, the truth was probably the best option.

"It's just that today was a big romantic thing," I said. "I love you. Girlfriend, baby, mistress, whatever. I love all of you, and I wanted you to know that. And I didn't want to distract from that on a special day. Is it okay if we tell her you're thinking about it, and we'll have that discussion another day? Just so we can enjoy today as a little family?"

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