144. My Biggest Fear

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We were sitting in front of the TV when I saw lights sweep across the blinds, and heard an engine outside.

"That must be Adam," Ffrances said. "And the kids. I hope they've had a good time."

"Yeah, I'd better check on them. Wouldn't want them to–"

Ffrances's finger tapped me in the centre of the forehead, and I dropped to my knees again and averted my eyes. I needed to check on Tess, I knew that. She would be dropping into littlespace as soon as she got home, thanks to the suggestions I had given her earlier. She needed me to be there, to make sure that boy didn't try to take advantage of her. Tonight was a very important night, a major event in the social calendar of their school, and I knew that even if he was a good boy, he would find it hard to be on his best behaviour tonight. That was why I'd done my best to make sure I could stop them before they did anything improper. But... with Mistress touching me like that, it was impossible for me to move. I could only hope that she would let me go.

"Not so fast," she said with an evil grin. "I think if they've had a good time, they'll have spent the whole day trying to be sociable. They've earned a little private time to decompress, and they don't need to have us barging in. I'm sure they'll call if there's something they want."

I didn't agree with her assessment. Even if those two wanted to be alone, that was precisely when a responsible adult would make sure it didn't happen. But Ffrances was the one in charge, and I knew that the submissive parts of my mind wouldn't allow me to fight her after the evening we'd just had.

"I think..." we heard Tess's voice faintly from the hallway. "I had an accident. I'd better be the little one tonight." I could tell just from her voice that she was already mentally regressed, so I wasn't surprised to find out that her diaper was wet. She was just following instructions. The hard part would be coming up with an explanation for what had happened when she asked. Was there something at the party that might have led to her paying a little less attention to her bladder? Or would she think that she was just playing along, for the sake of a young thug who wanted to be her Daddy?

"Okay, sweetie. Let's get you changed." I couldn't help grinning when I heard that; it almost guaranteed that Tess would blame him for her accident, if she thought about it at all. And if she could accept him treating her like a baby, it would make it easier for her to accept babying going forward.

"Maybe they'll want to be sociable?" I suggested to Ffrances, who seemed pretty surprised that Tess had wet herself without even waiting to get inside the house.

"Okay," she answered. "But it's their choice. If they want privacy, they get it. And I–"

"Welcome back!" I greeted Tess as I swept out into the hall. "How did it go?"

"It was great," Tess said with a huge grin. But I barely caught the rest of what she said, as I noticed that the fancy new dress that we'd spent so much time picking out was slightly torn at the shoulder, and there were visible grass stains all down one side. Surely if Ffrances saw that, she would agree that we shouldn't have let them out without a chaperone. I looked up and down Spike as well; his suit looked pretty formal, and he was drawing himself to his full height as if he really wanted to make a good impression. But there was grass on his knee as well, and his smart shoes were scuffed in a way that didn't look like they'd only been used in a ballroom. What had those two gotten up to, while they were out of our sight for an evening?

I wanted to grab that boy and demand answers from him. I wanted to know that he hadn't hurt my little angel, and I wanted to punish him. But as they started to go upstairs, I turned around to see Ffrances's hand on my arm. And I knew that if I moved without her permission, she could grip tightly enough to cause me pain. I waited until they were out of sight before I could ask her what she thought they were going to get up to.

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