112. My New Perspective

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"Mr Smith, was it?" Isaac seemed as jovial as ever, while Kernigan looked over the selection of comics on display. Perhaps he was astonished by the proportion of the displays where his own name looked back at him. He must have known that the guy was a fan if they'd chatted online, or just from the name of the shop. But I imagined it could be a little disconcerting to realise the depths of this man's obsession.

"So they tell me," he answered, after a brief pause. "You can call me Mark if you want. That feels a little more natural."

"Thanks. And call me Isaac. Or FaeAdvocate if you prefer. But don't go sticking all the numbers on the end of it, that just sounds silly. I'm still trying to guess who you are. Will I have seen your messages?"

"Probably. But I'm told that I shouldn't identify myself. Better to get to know each other naturally, as it were, without any preconceived notions standing in the way."

"And because I can think of someone who would be rather annoyed that I brought Mark here without asking," I added, thinking of both of Jessop and the mass of interchangeable executive producers who were determined he would finish some work towards the movie this week.

"Indeed. I believe they want me to be shut in a box until I've done everything they ask of me. But I think that some fresh air and new inspiration might help me to complete their goals more efficiently, and I'm sure that a few games will clear the cobwebs out of my skull as well."

"I hope so," Isaac said. "Well, there's a couple of people down in the basement setting up. I mostly stay here until the last member arrives before I close up. You can go and meet the regulars, if you wish. Or was there anything you want to look for while you're here? I'm afraid I can't offer preorders on Gold Ring; my copies are already spoken for. But I have quite an eclectic selection, and a wider range than most other shops in the area."

"Don't worry, I've already got a copy of the full rings series promised to me. But you really do have an unusual selection. Not the bestsellers that you'd see in a high street chain bookstore. Even a complete set of Canon Flash, I see," Kernigan said with a laugh. "You think they're going to suddenly surge in popularity after so many years in obscurity?"

"Stranger things have happened. And I always felt it was underrated. Maybe everyone else will realise that this year."

"You're a very perceptive man, Isaac. And if I might make a recommendation... you could line up The Biker, the Don, and the Pope beside it. If they're going to take off again, I expect that they'll be flying together."

"You seem pretty confident about that. And you picked out Canon Flash from all the other obscure titles I've got on display, as if you second guessed my speculation. I wonder... Is Mark a real name, or one possible pronunciation of your screen name? I said I prefer to omit the numbers on mine, but I think that in your case, it might make a big difference to people recognising you."

"You got me. But I'm supposed to be travelling incognito."

"Okay, I won't say anything. But you know I'm going to be re-reading a bunch of your old comedy series now, don't you? Was that a legitimate hint, or a jab at the fandom's attempts to second-guess what's coming next?"

"It could be both."

"It could. And now you've got me wondering how many of our friends will recognise you, if I just introduce you as Mark Smith. Is Tess coming tonight, Gabby?"

"Tess?" I said, and suddenly struggled to catch my breath. Why would Tess be here? I immediately wondered if Ffrances had been inviting her along to the games night without me realising, but I worked out in a couple of seconds that couldn't be possible. I knew when Ffrances was here, and in the past Tess had normally been keeping me company at home. So why would Isaac be expecting to see her here.

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