"Hello South Korea, did you miss me!" a man exclaims as he passes over the checking point of the airport, the sun shining through the airport window enhances his features, not that he needed the extra help anyways.
He walks to the airport exit as his phone goes off, he's about to take it out of his pocket when a girl looking down on her phone passes by, she's light skinned and her glasses frame her face perfectly.
"You don't see many girls like her around, this must be a good sign for me" he mutters as he pulls out his phone, not bothering to check the caller.
"Can you be any slower?" his friend asks once he picks up, obviously irritated.
"Jake my dear friend, if you move too fast you won't appreciate the pretty things in life" he speaks up, trying to pacify his friend which doesn't work in the slightest.
"Lee Heeseung, get your ass out here!" with that the call if cut and said man drags himself out before he gets another warning.
"Is that anyway to talk to your elders?" Heeseung asks as he reaches Jake, who leans on the front of his Mercedes.
"No, it's why I don't talk to them like that" Jake smiles and hauls his friends' luggage into the trunk.
"So how was Hawaii?" he asks once they step into the car, finally calmed from his earlier irritation.
"It was beautiful, I really need to take more breaks like that, but I felt so lonely without any of you" He says as they drive off, he had taken a 2 week break off of work to relax himself after finishing up a long term contract.
"Now say what you really want to say" Jake tells him, knowing what always comes after.
"Do you know how many pretty girls were there? I even got a few numbers, why didn't I go sooner, those grass skirt really make a difference" he immediately starts blabbing out, Jake sighing, used to his friend's antics.
"Are you going to call them back by any chance?" he asks his rambling friend who stops to answer.
"Pfft, no" he replies with a snort.
"You are really..." his friend drifts off, deciding to just stay quiet till they get to their destination.
"You know your dad will be pissed that you came home 2 days early and didn't tell him right?" Sunghoon asks once the boys finally get to him and Jake's shared penthouse.
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"Exactly why I didn't" Heeseung responds, laying back on their couch, he may have completed his little vacation, but he'd happily jump on another plane leaving to God knows where than talk with his father.
"We invited the others for a movie, you want in or sleep off the jet lag?" Jake asks, coming back downstairs after dropping the luggage in the guest room.
"Please like I would miss a chance to be with all you youngsters" Heeseung replies, already getting himself comfortable in the couch.
"Yeah yeah, go take a shower first" Sunghoon ushers him upstairs to his temporary room.
"Fine, all of you are so mean to me" Heeseung pouts, but goes upstairs anyways.
By the time he's taken a shower and gotten dressed in pajamas the other boys are already downstairs.
"Hyung!" Ni-Ki exclaims, jumping off his seat to give Heeseung a hug.
"Hey, how've you been holding up?" He asked as the younger releases him from the hug.
"Fine, I've been getting Sunoo Hyung to try some Japanese snacks" the younger speaks up making said man roll his eyes.
"Lately he's been trying to feed me Dorayaki, took me 3 days to learn how to say it" Sunoo tells them.
"Dorayaki" Jay looks at him and says it perfectly with a nonchalant face, making Sunoo look away with a huff.
"Jay my favourite, no need to ask you what's up, but how's that secretary of yours?" Heeseung bats his eyelashes, making Jay roll his eyes.
"Hyejin is doing well and you are still not allowed near any of my employees, especially not after last time" Jay hasn't looked up from his phone, most likely chatting with another client and Heeseung snatches it away, annoyed.
"Give it back!" Jay screams, trying to reach from his phone which is being kept away at a distance.
"You will get this back after" He tosses it to Jungwon who puts it in his pocket, if there's one-person Jay won't fight over it for, it's him.
"Fine" Jay huffs just as Sunghoon walks back into the living room.
"Okay, I have everyone's drinks, snacks on the table, and of course for you Ni-Ki" Sunghoon hands him a small plate with salt sprinkled over it, cubes of watermelon connected with toothpicks.
"Thanks Hyung" the younger quickly digs in.
"Oh and Hee Hyung, don't forget about our meeting next tomorrow" Jay reminds him, Heeseung groaning in response.
"Can't you go one day without thinking about work, have some fun for once" he tells the other, watching as he gives him a pointed look.
"Last I checked, your kind of fun cost you an entire flock of secretaries" Jay replies, making him roll his eyes.
"They weren't complaining, at least until I told them it was over" he says.
"Do us a favour Hyung and keep the next one around long enough to actually receive a paycheck" Jungwon tells him, giving him a stern look.
"Ok, that's not a problem-" a snort sounded through the room "-I'll keep my attention on other things" Heeseung reassures them and there's no way any of them believe him, but they choose to accept it for now.
"By the way there was this girl that passed me in the airport, I couldn't get a good look at her face because she was staring down at her phone, but she was really pretty, I would have asked for her number if not for this little shit" He throws a pillow towards Jake, who just catches it and sticks his tongue out in return.
"I'm sure she was, but let's focus on the movie please, no talking" Sunghoon ends their conversation and begins the movie, laying himself on Jake and Jay as he picks up his popcorn.
"It's good to be home" Heeseung sighs and relaxes.