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"And this is the engineering department" Nari let Jaeje walk in first as she showed her around.

"4th floor" Jaeje memorized.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lee won't hassle you for being new, take your time" Nari assured her.

"Are you sure? I feel like he's always watching me, maybe looking for any mistakes I might make" Jaeje confessed her worries, but only received a chuckle in response.

"Trust me, it's anything but that" Nari said, there wasn't anyone in the office who wasn't aware of their boss's nature.

"Yes, it could be him trying to find out your size to pamper you" a voice interrupted them.

"This is Miss Song, head of the department" Nari introduced.

"Please call me Aera, Miss Song makes me sound mean" Aera spoke up.

"Jaeje I presume, Nari has been telling everyone about the 50th secretary under Mr. Lee's charge" Aera continued.

"50? " Jaeje questioned startled.

"Kidding, but he has had more than people would consider Usual" Aera dismissed her joke.

"Well I hope I'm here to stay and Mr. Lee asked me to hand these over" Jaeje replied handing over a file.

"Just what I needed, thank you, I'd love to stay, but... " Aera gestured back to her office and waved them a goodbye before leaving.

"The finance department was supposed to submit a report today, you wouldn't mind showing me the way, would you? " Jaeje asked, feeling she was interrupting the girls work.

"Not at all" Nari directed towards the elevator again and pushed the 6th floor button once they got in.

"I like you, you're not loud" Nari spoke up as they got out.

"I've been told I'm not talkative" Jaeje said.

"Yes, and also in the sense you're not overwhelming, I don't think I could handle eating anymore cupcakes" Nari rubbed her forehead, remembering the last 3 secretaries.

"There's always this sense of butting in with me, like I'd rather someone not just come and try to force themselves in with others" Jaeje told her.

"Very few of you with that mentality, and we're here" Nari led her through an open door.

"Mr. Lim, your attention is needed" Nari called out and a man who looked in his early 40's walked out.

"May I know why I was so rudely pulled out of my work? " the man joked as Nari nudged Jaeje.

"Afternoon, I'm Jaeje the new secretary, I believe there's a report that needs submitting" she spoke up.

"Ah, of course, let me get it" he walked back into his office before coming back out a few moments later with a file in hand.

"I hope it's to his liking, have a wonderful time Miss...? " he drifted off.

"Lee" she answered.

"Well doesn't that make things more entertaining" he told them and then gave a small bow before walking back to his office.

"Thank you for showing me around" Jaeje bowed her head in gratitude before waving a goodbye and hurrying back to last floor.

"The report" she handed it over as she walked up to his desk.

"Thank you so much, and would you look at the time" he said and nudged his head towards the clock which shower 2:50 pm.

"Oh fu-" she managed to close her mouth before she could finish her sentence.

"I'll be right back" she promised and headed out to grab his lunch as he laughed.

"Umm... " she opened the door again sheepishly.

"Chicken and bear from a place 15 minutes away, Nari will direct you" he told her and she nodded before closing the door again.

After getting the directions from Nari she quickly rushed to get the order, feeling grateful he didn't hassle her on her first day.

It took ten minutes to get there, 10 minutes to finally order and an extra 30 to get the food, by the time she got everything it was almost 4 and she hoped he was still in a good mood.

"Next time be a good friend and remind me of the time" Jaeje said as she passed by Nari's desk.

"Oh maybe you should wait, there's someone up there" Nari spoke, grimacing a little.

Jaeje nodded waiting a while, but then looking at the time a while later decided the food would get cold.

"I'll just drop it off and leave, these things are getting cold" she replied and got in the elevator.

"Ok then" Nari sighed and went back to her work.

Jaeje pushed the button and waited for the elevator to reach the floor.

She knocked upon reaching the door, but was met with no reply, but then remembering her conversation with Nari thought he was too busy conversing.

She knocked again before gently opening the door, hoping she wasn't disturbing anything important.

"Mr. Lee?" She voiced out, but then felt the wind being knocked out of her at the sight of a girl sitting on his desk with his hand on her waist in the middle of a heavy make out session.

"Oh! " she accidentally exclaimed making the duo look at her.

"I'm so sorry! " she exclaimed again, trying to close the door when Heeseung's voice rang out.

"Don't be" he told her, leaving the other girl on the table while he gestured for her to walk back in.

"Let me" he took the food and placed it on another table.

"I should-" she turned towards the door, but was caught off guard when she was turned back around by a hand wrapped around her wrist.

"Join in" he said and she had to do a double take.

"Excuse me? " she looked around as if wondering if she was mistaken for someone else, but only noticed an open bottle of whisky on his desk.

"Sir, you're drunk" she told him, trying to get him to release her.

"It takes more than two glasses of whisky to achieve that" he rolled his eyes.

"Then you should get back to your visitor" she was quickly getting frustrated with her still gripped hand.

"Are you really going to pretend you have no desire to kiss me? " he asked and leaned in only to be met with a slap.

"Not anymore" she managed to get her hand freed and stomped out.

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