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Jaeje had spent the next day off with Hyejin helping her shop for a dress, which was hardly going well seeing as Hyejin was tossing everything aside, rejecting each outfit presented to her. 

Hyejin had tried convincing her to get something, but Jaeje was quick to turn her down, never having felt comfortable in dresses, she felt way too exposed. 

It of course didn't take her too long to relent and let Hyejin buy her something, knowing the girl had a good fashion sense.

It would probably eat up dust in her cupboard though, she had very clearly turned down Heeseung yesterday and the man didn't seem to want to give her the time of day again, great. 

They had gotten back home soon after and ordered some dinner, Jaeje asking how Jay asked Hyejin, it most definitely went better than hers. 

She quickly came up with an excuse when Hyejin asked her about Heeseung, saying he had asked her to call one of his many girlfriends. 'Probably already did' she said to herself as they both decided to call it a night. 

The next day Jaeje had teased her endlessly about the night actually being a date with Jay and even though she was bad with relationships, it wasn't hard to see the obvious attraction.

 She was sometimes jealous, not because of the whole going out thing of course, just that it seemed much easier for Hyejin to like someone, like actually like them. She was in no way Jaeje who only liked the attention, and who wondered if she would actually ever like someone just because.

Hyejin had decided to spend the day out before coming back to get ready and went out soon after, leaving Jaeje alone to her thoughts. 

She quickly got out the tub of chocolate ice cream she had gotten for herself a few days ago but never found time to eat and went into the living room to binge Ghost Doctor, that show was good. 

She was already half way into the 1st episode when she got a notification from her phone, pausing the show, she checked to see it was a text from none other than Heeseung. 

Of course, time to face my demons. 

Jaeje walked into the café Heeseung had asked to meet in, nothing much said in his text. 

"Alright speak, I had to leave chocolate ice cream behind for this" she spoke up as she sat opposite him inside one of the booth's

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"Alright speak, I had to leave chocolate ice cream behind for this" she spoke up as she sat opposite him inside one of the booth's. 

"They sell ice cream here; you want any?" He offered, quickly ordering once she nodded in reply. 

"I still want you at the opening tonight with me" He said as the waiter went away. 

"And I said no, don't you want to go after someone else now that you know I've been a hypocrite and actually wanting your attention?" she asked as she dragged a hands down her face, wanting to hide her shame somehow. 

"No, I'm still quite hung up on you and I stayed away yesterday because I do not think you were ready to put up with my bullshit" he gave her a smile and well she really couldn't argue with that statement.

"Well I'm very much still stuck on my choice, see you at work" she took the ice cream the waiter had finally brought over and waved him a goodbye, hastily walking out. 

"Will you listen" she was once again grabbed by the wrist and brought over to his personal space. 

"You just love grabbing my wrist, don't you?" she asked, trying to hide a shit ton of negativity behind a playful smile. 

"I'd love to grab you in a lot of places, but your wrist is the safest place I can" he smirked, proud of his response as he could see the fluster on her face, she wasn't that good at hiding when she was blushing.

"Heeseung-" she was ready to tell him off, but was cut off. 

"Think about it, no-one is going to throw tomatoes at you if you want to go with me, the only person beating you up about being selfish is you" with that he waves her a goodbye and turns to head to his car, most likely on his way home. 

"Fuck my life" she sighs and digs into her ice cream as she heads back home, not wanting Hyejin to know she stepped out. 

It's later that night and Hyejin is fussing over her appearance much to Jaeje's annoyance, she always looks good. 

Jay also inquires as to why she's in casual clothing as she opens the door to let him in, outing in his two cents on Heeseung and his ways.

She silently teases her once Jay walks into their home, made speechless at Hyejin's look, as he should. 

She wishes them a good night as they walk out on their way to Jay's car. 


She heads to her room and springs onto her bed, wanting to quickly fall asleep and put her thoughts on mute, but of course good things like that happen only once in a blue moon.

Her mind drifts off to her short meeting with Heeseung as she ponders on his words. 

 The only person beating you up about being selfish is you.

That man was an egotistical idiot who know that knew exactly what words to tell her, he was good in that department. 

And truth be told she really did want to go, she wanted to put on something everyone would complement her for and have some expensive ass food while eyeing Heeseung in all his handsome glory.

Oh well, no better age to make decision you'll regret like your 20's 

She leaps off her bed and opens her closet to see the dress Hyejin had picked out for her and quickly opened her phone, going to her contacts. She might as well do this before her anxiety takes over and she regrets everything.

Jaeje: Be here in 10, I'll go. 

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