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"Can we go to the mall now?" Sunghoon pressed after the waiter had taken away their plates.

"Yeah I could use a few more sneakers" Jungwon agreed.

"Yes!" Sunghoon was already walking out the door and the others watched him in amusement before following.

"You know I came alone, so I could you give you a ride, in honour of you being my new secretary that is" Heeseung offered as they stepped out.

"Thank you, but I'll stick with my friend" Jaeje declined as she got in Hyejin's car, not noticing Jake stick his tongue out at Heeseung who flipped him off before getting in and driving behind the others.

"Let's go in here first" Heeseung held Jaeje by the hand and dragged her into an expensive looking store. Seeing as he had bought clothes two days prior he didn't really need anything else currently, doesn't mean he was going to let the opportunity of alone time slip through his fingers, now that Jay had taken off with Hyejin, most likely needing someone to carry his things.

"Do you want anything, or any store you want to look through?" which girl didn't love a guy who offered to buy her things.

"Nah, I had a little shopping spree some time ago" she told him, but the little itch at the back of her head made her speak up again.

"But if I see something I'll let you know" she said just in case. 

"That's no problem" Heeseung said and went back to looking through the shoes seeing as he hadn't bought any during his time with Sunghoon.

"Which one's better?" Heeseung pointed at a pair of black shows and a pair of white ones, same style, different colour.

"The white ones" Jaeje decided after some time, thinking he looked better in white.

"So what finally motivated you to move here?" Heeseung asked, not wanting the interaction to be him asking what he should and shouldn't buy.

"I wasn't doing anything important back home, and I'd always wanted to leave eventually, so one day I said why not and hoped on a plane and still trying to get properly settled, still need to apply for a card and then..." she rambled on about the things she still needed to do before she could properly settle down here and having a job would definitely come in handy.

"I'm rambling" she said once she realized she had gone of topic from what he asked.

"No continue, normally I'm the one rambling, it's nice to have a change" Heeseung reassured her.

"No surprise" Jaeje said.

"Be glad you ended up with the fun boss, poor Hyejin is probably carrying Jay's stuff around" Heeseung replied.

"Fun doesn't have to mean best" she told him as they went to pay.

"I'm wounded" he said placing his hand on his chest, though he could definitely agree with her on that statement.

"I'm serious, for all I know you could be a psychotic maniac who actually kidnap and later kills his secretaries" she revealed.

"How did you know?" he narrowed his eyes and she had to do a double take.

"Funny" she deadpanned.

"Ooh sneakers" Heeseung dragged her into sketchers.

"Oh how pretty" Jaeje admired some of the shoes displayed.

"You want something?" Heeseung questioned, excited he found something to catch her attention.

"Don't worry, I'm indecisive" she said, not wanting to take his time.

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