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Jaeje had spent another day at home, once again not telling Hyejin she had quit. Because Hyejin was Hyejin, and she would ask questions.

Ones that needed answers.

Jaeje's phone rang.

"Hello" she mumbled as she picked up, not even looking at the number.

"My baby" a voice rang out.

"Mum" Jaeje responded, knowing exactly how this conversation was about to go.

"Have you made up your mind about visiting yet? Did you plan to leave me forever? " her mum gets straight to business, not bothering with any sugar coating.

"Mum.... " Jaeje trailed, about to give a million excuses before stopping herself.

Why shouldn't she go.

She needed a vacation, a short one, but one nevertheless.


She leaves the next day, it's unexpected, it's hurried, but it's already done.

She tells Hyejin of her plans the next morning and she can see the temptation in her friends eyes, aching to dig deeper, but luckily she accepts it and promises to drive her to the airport later that day.

She finishes packing not too long after Hyejin leaves for the day and finds she wants nothing more than to pretend that she's actually going to visit her family out of pure want.

Putting her suitcase aside she's about to head into the kitchen when she hears her phone ringing, screen flashing the caller.

Mr. ParkSu....

Jaeje picks the call in curiosity, wandering what Sunghoon could want.

"I beg you with everything we both hold dear in this life do not hang up" Heeseung's voice pleads as soon as the call connects.

"...... What is it? " She answers, breathing through the anger in her chest.

"One talk, I beg you one talk" Heeseung keeps his sentences short, knowing very well the girl can hang up if he says the wrong thing.

"No" she says and hangs up.

"My gosh" Heeseung says and hands the phone back to his friend.

Jaeje goes to answer the door, wondering if Hyejin had forgotten her keys when she looks through the peephole to see that guy.

"You know I can call the police for this" she says opening the door, making it very clear he is most definitely not welcome.

"One talk" he repeats from the earlier conversation.

"Fine. Talk. " she relents and leans on the door.

Heeseung's signs in gratitude and points to the bench on the wall of the hallway.

She states at him for a fee seconds before closing the door and taking a seat, moving to the very edge to indicate they be as far from each other as possible.

"I got your resignation letter" he starts after they sit in silence for a while.

"I think it was long overdue" and to that he doesn't deny.

"I'm sorry"

"Fuck you"

"I'm serious" Heeseung's sighs frustrated as he rakes his hands through his hair for what felt like the thousandth time.

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