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Jaeje and Hyejin had just arrived at the restaurant where they would be meeting the boys and honestly, Jaeje was a bit freaked out.

Hyejin had already gotten used to life here, but the thought of always moving so far away had been a but terrifying to Jaeje, luckily she at least had Hyejin here so she wouldn't be alone.

After a very hectic morning they managed to reach just a few minutes late, luckily Hyejin's boss and his friends hadn't arrived, she didn't want to give off a tardy vibe to her potential new boss.

While taking in the lovely interior of the restaurant, she felt Hyejin nudge her and nod her head towards the entrance of the restaurant where 7 men had just walked through.

"Holy shit.." Jaeje already knew what Jay looked like from the many pictures Hyejin had sent all in the name of criticizing his different looks, but then scanning through the other six men she wondered which of them would be her boss.

"Dreams really do come through" Hyejin motioned for her to stand up as the boys reached their reserved table.

"Good afternoon sirs" Hyejin took a bow and Jaeje followed her example as one of the other men started to talk about how there wasn't need for such formalities with them, Jaeje was grateful she wouldn't be experiencing a tyrant boss like Hyejin at least.

The handsome man next to him looked at her with picked interest and Jaeje was thankful for her dark skin at that moment because of her blush, but then Hyejin always said it was easy to notice the red on her face.

"And who is this pretty thing over here?" Oh wow.

"Don't you dare be late, this outing is more for you than anything else" Jungwon scolded him over the phone as Heeseung stepped into his car. He has slept in late, not wanting to face his dad at breakfast and he was currently facing the reprimanding he was trying to avoid.

"I'm starting my car right now Jungwon, I will be there on time" Heeseung rolled his eyes, wondering why he always got scolded by all of them when he was the oldest, but then again it doesn't mean he exactly acted like it.

"Hurry Hyung" Jungwon hung up and Heeseung sighed, driving out the gate as he placed the phone down.

"Told you I'd be here on time" Heeseung said as he got down from his car to see the others also there.

"Wish it was like this all the time" Jungwon muttered and closed the door to Sunghoon's car as they started to walk inside.

"Let's go shopping after this" Sunghoon spoke up.

"You always want to go to the shopping" Jay rolled his eyes.

"Oh I see Hyejin and that must be her friend" Sunoo said, pointing at the table where Hyejin was with another person next to her.

"Oh she's pre-" Jake was cut off by a sudden shout by the oldest and they all jumped in shock.

"What was that for?" Ni-Ki asked, holding onto his chest.

"It's her!" he exclaimed.

"Who?" Jungwon asked confused.

"The one from the airport" Heeseung said shaking Jake by the shoulders.

"The one from the mall" It was Sunghoon's turn to be shook.

"How lucky" Jungwon rolled his eyes.

"Well let's go, there's no way I'm missing my chance again" Heeseung gestured from them to continue into the restaurant and soon enough were greeted by both the ladies.

"Hyejin how many times have we told you to call us by our name when we're outside the office, I don't want people mistaking the rest of us for tyrant bosses like yours." Sunghoon reprimanded as Heeseung felt his patience wearing thin.

"And who is this pretty thing over here?" Heeseung leaned a little bit towards Jaeje as he asked Hyejin.

Heeseung was too focused on her to really hear anything Hyejin had said except for her name and it felt like such an achievement after missing his chance twice that he couldn't resist using the opportunity.

"Looks like destiny has already helped me out with your last name, all you need now is a ring on your finger" he kissed the back of her hand and could tell he had gotten her right where he wanted.

Jaeje was revived from her stupor and was quick to introduce herself, promising to work hard as they all took a seat and she was offered a seat next to him.

Heeseung was quick to break into a conversation, wanting to grab the girl's attention while keeping a professional tone to his voice, though it wasn't working much.

She told him about her dream to move to Seoul and corrected him when he used 'Mrs.' instead of 'Miss".

"Would you like to change that?" Heeseung was quick to get a scolding from Sunoo and was quick to retaliate with Honorifics.

"Don't bother, if anything I'm the fun boss" Heeseung said as Jay quickly started reprimanding Hyejin for the lack of a few important files and Jaeje couldn't help but feel bad, so far Heeseung seemed like a good but flirty guy.

"You look familiar though, did we meet anytime these last two days?" Jaeje asked, having that annoying feeling when you couldn't quite get to a certain memory in your head.

"I'm sure I would have remembered" Heeseung told her with a smile, deciding he should keep the last two days to himself.

"And sorry in advance if I mess anything up, I'm not sure how things work here yet" Jaeje told him, smiling sheepishly.

"You know I have never seen anyone sound both formal and informal at the same time, relax, if anything I've said makes you uncomfortable I'll stop" Heeseung quickly said, not wanting to make the girl feel tense around him.

"No not at all, I'm not very used to compliments, people around me tend to compliment Hyejin more" Jaeje admitted, finding at least she could talk freely with him.

"Well now you have me" Heeseung said resting his head in his hand.

"You in what context?" she asked resting back on her seat.

"Me in the context of telling you how beautiful you are everyday" 

A/N: My finals end this Tuesday and now that the stressful exams have passed I'm finally free of my writer's block, Wish me luck :) 

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