Chapter 1

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"NO!!!" Adelle cried, tears streaming down her dirty cheeks as she saw her friend die in front of her. "Run..." she whispered, and she let out a small sigh and fell to the ground her eyes unfocused as the monster persuaded. Adelle wanted to stay with her friend, she wanted revenge. Adelle's bowled her fists, her nails cutting into her palm. She activated her whip, but someone grabbed her wrist. She turned around. "We can't save her, she's already gone Adelle, just like the prophecy said." he whispered. Adelle searched the boy's face. His eyes were teary too, and he looked shaken. "Let. Me. Go." Adelle said, wielding her voice to not tremble. "Adelle, we have to leave, we can't beat this monster, it will kill us too." he said. Adelle shook her head. "No, we can do it, Your Poseidon's son, and I'm a child of Hades, we are powerful, we can do it." she said, tightening her grip on her whip. The monster was approaching, Adelle could hear the branches cracking as it walked. "No Adelle. No, we will die. Please, please, she told us to run, we have to run, Adelle!" the boy said, yanking her wrist harder. His green eyes sparked with fear. "Fine, but when I cross him again, I'm killing him." Adelle said, whipping her tears. He nodded. "Yeah, I wouldn't stop you then." And the two demigods started to run. 

-2 weeks earlier-

Adelle woke up by the sound of footsteps. She rubbed her eyes as she woke up. The night was stormy, and tree branches were tapping on her windows. 

Adelle dragged herself out of her bed, landing on her foot softly. She walked carefully and picked out of the door, looking for the cause of footsteps, 'It's probably mum right...? Who else can it be?' she thought to herself, trying to ease her thumping heart. But something felt different, these footsteps were heavy, not light and graceful like her mother's.

Adelle, beaten by her curiosity, tiptoed her way downstairs to see what the noise was. If it was mum, (it has to be mum) she would just say that she was hungry and couldn't sleep. But if it wasn't mum....

When Adelle made downs stairs, she picked over to corner and had to stop herself from crying out loud with horror.

It wasn't mum, it was a monster. It was huge, it was about 20 feet tall, it was wearing a diaper like cloak, and it had... it had.... a bull's head...!  'Minotaur!' a thought struck her, she backed away from the monster a little. But... it can't be a Minotaur... it was just a Greek Myth... right...? Somehow, Adelle didn't have a problem with believing that this creature truly was a Minotaur. And besides, that wasn't the important think right now, what was important was about getting away with Mum, who probably is sleeping upstairs without getting caught by the Minotaur.
Adelle started to back away little by little, but she froze when she caught sight of a bloody arm behind the sofa. Her blood turned cold, and a chill ran down her spine. That can't be... her eyes must be playing tricks right...? Adelle barely noticed Minotaur lifting its nose to the air and sniffed, she didn't notice as the monster started moving until it was right above her. 

Adelle felt a strange tingling behind her neck, cold sweat ran down her spine as she pilled her eyes of the bloody arm and turned around to see the Minotaur towering behind her, staring at her with its beady black eyes. This time, Adelle couldn't even make a sound. She quickly backed away from it, slipping and falling down to the floor. She scrambled up, hoping the dark liquid wasn't what she thought it was. Adelle started running, running, running out of the house trying to get away from the Minotaur. But it let out a furious roar and started following her with frightening speed. Adelle closed her eyes as she ran, her lungs ached, and she could taste blood in her mouth. Her bare feet bled because of the asphalt floor but she kept running. Tears poured from her eyes, she closed her eyes, tight, wanting to get out of this... Wanting to... A sudden memory popped into her mind, a campfire, children laughing, happy together at peace, without having to fear getting killed by a monster... Adelle squeezed her eyes tighter, trying to hold that image in her mind, and suddenly... the ground wasn't asphalt anymore.

A/N: Thank you for reading chapter 1, cotes and feedbacks are welcome!!

The Children of Hades (Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/ Trials of Apollo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now