Chapter 7

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"You're in the red team, with all the Hermes kids and few others." Sabine told her when Adele arrived at her side. Thankfully, Sabine didn't ask her about her new bracelet or the fact that she had fainted in the weaponry. "Okay, but what exactly is 'capture the flag'?" she asked, a little confused. "Well, it's like a war practice, I guess. We can use real weapon, and anyone who goes to their territory with the other team's flag wins." Sabine told her, handing her an armor. "Oh." Adele said. And started to wear her armor. It was really easy actually, her hands seemed to know what to do. Sabine looked surprised when she was done wearing her armor. "Huh, you already know how to wear it. It took me years to master it." she smiled, chuckling. Adele smiled. "Well... it feels familiar." she said. Sabine shrugged and went off to help other new demigods who were struggling with the leather armor. "Huh..." Adele said to herself.

After watching others fuss around, wearing armor and discussing battle plans, Adele was placed all alone in a middle of nowhere. Probably because her team didn't think she will be good. 

Chiron's voice ran in the woods. "Real weapons allowed, you all know what the rules are.  You may begin." and then... nothing. It was so quiet, Adele felt like she was choaking. She looked around wondering if anyone was near her, but she saw nothing, she heard nothing. She sighed and started to walk in circle. 'This is going to be a long night' she thought. "Might as well find a place to sit down." she said to herself and found a good root to sit down.

A few quiet moments passed, and she heard running. 'Finally!!' Adele thought and hid behind a tree. A boy was running through the woods panting. She recognized him as one of Poseidon's children and one of the blue team. He was heading straight for the flag!! 'I have to stop him, or we'll lost.' she thought and without thinking, burst out of her hiding spot and called out to him. "HEY!! Who do you think you are? Trying to still our flag from us?" The boy skidded to stop and looked behind and saw her. He snorted. "You're the girl who fell into a mud puddle aren't you?" he said. His startling green eyes and copper skin glinting in the moonlight. "Yeah. Do you have a problem with it?" she asked. Approaching the trespasser. "You are a newbie. You don't get to stop me. You wouldn't win in a fight." he said, smirking. Adele glared at him. "Oh yeah? Then try me." she said. The boy smiled and drew his sword. Adele too, closed her eyes and wielded her bracelet to turn into a whip. 

The boy smiled and charged. Adele's instincts took over. She lashed out her whip. The whip seemed to know what to do. It latched itself to the sword. The boy's eyes grew wide. Adele smiled and yanked her whip the sword clattered to the ground. 

She lashed out her whip again and knocked the boy off the feet. Adele approached the very startled, now sitting in a muddy ground. "Now, what were you saying about me not being able to fight you?" she asked, smirking like the boy had done before. He let out a growl. And she heard a bubbling sound from behind her. She turned to find a small creek. 'Uh-oh' she thought just as the freezing cold water was dumped on her. When the water stopped pouring over her, she was panting and wet and freezing. The boy was smirking, once again. She let out a frustrated growl. Suddenly, earth split, and a skeleton hand came up and grabbed the boy's ankle. His eyes widened with shock and Adele let out a startled yelp as more skeleton hands emerged from the earth and grabbed the boy firmly. "You... you are a child of Hades!!" he let out a cry. Suddenly, there was commotion from far. Sabine was holding the blue team's flag. Smiling her big smile, but when she saw Adele, the boy and the skeleton hands, her smile quickly faded into a shock. And she ran over to her. "Oh, my gods, Adele!! You are a daughter of Hades!!" she cried out.  She ran over to her and hugged her tightly. Just then, every other demigod emerged from the woods including Chiron and folded his legs into a bow. "All hail, Adele Snow, daughter of Hades." he said, and all the demigods bowed to her except for the boy who was too dumbfounded to bow to her. 

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