Chapter 29

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The demigods started to move at noon. Sabine navigating the forest. They walked for hours as the sun blazed above them. 

"Ma... Maybe we should rest a bit..?" Adelle asked, as she wiped her sweat with her clothes. "Agreed." Mark nodded. "Sure." Sabine replied. 

They found a nice looking cave and entered. Thankfully the cave was cool inside, the demigods all flopped to the ground and cooled down. "Sure there are no monsters here?" Mark asked, eyeing the dark suspiciously. Sabine just shrugged. "Well, if there was a monster here, I think it would have already..." Sabine trailed off as a low grow echoed around the cave. "Wha..." Adelle cried out.  There was a faint sound of metal scraping as Mark and Sabine drew their swords. 
And from the dark... A huge Hellhound emerged. "Oh My Gods." Sabine whispered. The demigods started to slowly walk back. Hoping the hound wouldn't notice them. But as they slowly backed up, the hellhound's eyes focused on them. He let out a furious bark and lunged at the demigods. "NO!" Sabine cried and chucked her dagger at the Hellhound. It hit the hound's right eye. It howled and fury and pain and charged straight at Sabine. Knocking her down and standing on top of her. The hound lowered his head to Sabine's neck and as Adelle stood there, paralized, Sabine whispered one word. "Run"

And Adelle stood there watching as she saw the hound tear her friend's neck and Adelle watched as her friend. Her funny bright friend, lose her light.  Adelle wanted to cry, she wanted to tear that hound to atom, she wanted revenge. Adelle's bowled her fists, her nails cutting into her palm. She activated her whip, but someone grabbed her wrist. She turned around. "We can't save her, she's already gone Adelle, just like the prophecy said." Mark whispered on her ear . Adelle searched Mark's face. His eyes were teary too, and he looked shaken. "Let. Me. Go." Adelle said, wielding her voice to not tremble. "Adelle, we have to leave, we can't beat this monster, it will kill us too." he said. Adelle shook her head. "No, we can do it, Your Poseidon's son, and I'm a child of Hades, we are powerful, we can do it." she said, tightening her grip on her whip. The hound turned around now glaring at them, Adelle could hear the branches cracking as it walked. "No Adelle. No, we will die. Please, please, Sabine told us to run, we have to run, Adelle!" the boy said, gripping her wrist harder. His green eyes sparked with fear. "Fine, but when I cross it again, I'm killing it." Adelle said, wiping her tears. He nodded. "Yeah, I wouldn't stop you then." And the two demigods started to run. 

The hound bark and growled and howled as it followed them. Mark and Adelle ran faster, her lungs burned and tears blurred her vision but she ran. Gripping tight to Mark's hand. 
"Mark! Mark, let me shadow travel." Adelle called out when the hound was a few distances away. It was catching up fast, but there was a breathing room. "Yeah... yeah good idea." he said and gripped Adelle's hands tightly. They faced one another as Adelle closed her eyes and tried to picture anything, anywhere. The first place that popped into her head; was her old home. 

The Children of Hades (Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/ Trials of Apollo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now