Chapter 20

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As soon as Sabine helped her out of her water and Adelle saw Mark smirking and completely dry, she stormed up to him and kicked him on the shin. Mark's smirk vanished from his face and tears of pain sprang from his eyes. He clutched his right shin. "What was that for?" he asked. "Thank was for pulling me under the water you idiot. Monsters don't usually have human features!!" she yelled and snatched her hotdog from the bench, where it was resting and ate it viciously. Mark just stared at her.

"What?" Adelle snapped at him. "Nothing." Mark replied and gulped. Adelle wasn't so sure, but she thought she had seen a hint of blush on tips of his ear. 'I must be getting delusional' she thought to herself. 

"We should continue our quest." Adelle said, looking away from Mark. "How? We don't have a slightness clue about Apollo's disappearance." Sabine said, rubbing her palms and looking anxious. "There is actually." Mark interrupted, rubbing the back of his neck. "What is it?" Adelle and Sabine asked at the same time. "Well... I found this suspicious looking tunnel under the pond. I was going to go and investigate but Adelle came, and you know what happened." Mark said, shrugging. Adelle rolled her eyes. "Not important, but this tunnel that certainly sounds suspicious. We should go check it out." she said. "What? Wait!!" Sabine called out. Adelle turned to her. "What is it?" "We can't breathe underwater remember?" she said. "Do not worry folks!! Your savior is here!!" Mark said. Adelle and Sabine rolled their eyes. "I can make air bubbles around your heads. That sounds fun right?" he asked, rubbing his palms together and looking like a mischievous boy (which he is). "Suuuuuuuuuure we trust you yeah." Adelle said narrowing her eyes. But there was no other way, so Adelle gave in to Mark's idea. 

The Children of Hades (Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/ Trials of Apollo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now