Chapter 3

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"Okay." Adelle said. Chiron looked surprised. "That's all?" he asked, looking fairly confused. "Yeah, you say Greek and Roman Myths are true as well as other Myths, gods exist and I'm a demigod. Simple." She said, shrugging. Chiron's eyes flew upward. Adelle tried hard not to giggle; his eyebrow looked like it was going to levitate. 
"Well." Chiron said, shrugging back. "Other demigods I have seen... seemed to take this truth very hard. After all, their world had just turned upside down." he said. "I guess." Adelle said. "But... I think I knew I was a demigod even before I arrived here, even before the Minotaur attacked our house." she said. "WHAT?!" Chiron cried out looking at her with wide out. "What did you just say, a Minotaur...?" he asked, looking very concerned. Adelle stared at Chiron strangely. "Um... yeah, doesn't it happen to every demigod...? A monster comes, you run away, gets a picture of a campfire in your mind and arrive here...?" she asked. Chiron stared at her more strangely. "No... No that is not at all. Most of the demigods arrive with a Styr guide, often followed by a monster." he said. Adelle looked down at the ground. Well... she wasn't normal at all, she was a... special case, very different from other demigods, an odd one in the ground. "Well, I think that was enough for today, you had had a hard day. Chiron said, lightly touching her shoulder. 

Chiron led her to Hermes cabin and told her to clean up and rest till morning. Adele nodded and went inside. She instantly regretted it. It was a chaos in there, kids calling names, throwing cans and socks at each other. "Um... hi?" she said, she could feel the redness coming up to her cheeks, she wasn't a social person. 

Finally, someone noticed her standing awkwardly in the doorway. "Oh hey!!" said the girl with strawberry blond hair and freckles. She looked cute actually. "Hey... um... I'm new here, and um..." Adele didn't know what to say, but apparently that was enough explanation for the girl. "You must be that girl who appeared here out of thin air right!!?? I was so excited to meet you, my name is Sabine, daughter of Hermes, what's your name?" she asked, offering her a handshake. "Um... my name is Adele, Adele Snow, I don't exactly know my parent yet, but it's really nice to meet you, honestly, this cabin is chaos." she said, and regretted her words instantly, that was rude. "Oh, I know, we are always chaos, too many Hermes child. Seriously, sometimes, I don't know what's going on with dad." she said, chuckling. Adele was relieved that the girl- Sabine, didn't take her words offensive or anything. "Um, do you know where I should wash? I'm rather muddy you see..." Adele said t Sabine. She smiled brightly and spoke. Of course!! Follow me, I'll show you around the cabin!" she said. 

Just like that, when Adele had washed up and in fresh clean clothes (that Sabine had kindly rented her) Sabine gave her a tour of the cabin. "This is Michele's bed, this is Sam's bed, and this is Elizabeth's bed...." so on, so forth.  After the tour of beds was over, Sabine introduced her to all of her siblings and some of the demigods that weren't yet claimed by their parents. 

And finally, Sabine showed where Adele will be sleeping. "This is your sleeping bad, we don't give beds to the demigods that are unclaimed because they will move out soon, and you will too, soon enough, your parents will claim you, and you will move to a new cabin!!" Sabine said smiling. "For now, you should sleep, you look really tired, and besides, there is about 2 hours left till dawn, so yeah. You better sleep!!" she said and went to her own bed. 

Though a lot of the demigods and quieted down because over half of them were asleep, Adele wasn't sure if she could sleep, but when she rubbed her eyes and snuggled into her sleeping bed, her body instantly fell into sleep. 

The Children of Hades (Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/ Trials of Apollo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now