Chapter 4

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Adele woke up by the sound of bells 2 and a half hours later, she stretched her soar body and processed the last few hours, the death of her mother (which she was still numb about it), realizing that the gods were real, and the fact that she was now in a cabin, full of kids that were fussing to dress up, and go to the dining hall. 

Adelle threw back her sleeping bag, rolled them and stored them in the cabinets. "Hey!! Your awake!!" she heard a familiar voice from behind her. "Oh, hello Sabine!! Did you sleep well?" Adele asked, smiling. She was determined to make friends today, the first day at her camp. Might as well as make a good first impression. "Yeah!! Did you?" she asked. "Yeah, I slept really well." she said smiling at her. "Oh!! I almost forgot, Chiron sent these to you this morning." she said, handing out the orange camp t-shirt, a pair of jeans, pair of socks and sneakers. "Oh, thank you!" Adele said as Sabine handed them to her. "My pleasure!! Though, you will be given some drachmas today so you will be able to buy your things that are more of your taste in the camp shops." Sabine said. "I can? There is a shop? Oh, thank gods." Adele said. She preferred combat boots more than snickers, much more comfortable in her opinion, plus a lot stronger than sneakers. 

After Adele had dressed up, Sabine led her to the dining hall where the demigods were all gathered already. Sabine and Adele set down on the Hermes table, but Adele was soon called up to the front. "Please welcome our new camper, Adele Snow." Chiron said and the campers all clapped politely. Adele blushed a little and ran over to her sit. Adele let out a relieved breath when the campers at her table didn't stare at her or anything. 

Though her stomach was feeling like it was full of fluttering butterflies, she was hungry, so she ate.

The Children of Hades (Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/ Trials of Apollo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now