Chapter 19

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Adelle woke up on the grass where Sabine had left her. She lifted herself up and realized that her wrist didn't heart. She twisted and stretched but nothing hurt. "Huh, that's weird." she said to herself. "What's weird.?" Sabine asked. "Nothing, it's probably nothing." she replied. "Where's Mark?" she asked "Resting under the pond. I just dumped him there, he didn't come out, I guess he will surface when he wakes up." she answered. "The water heals him?" Adelle asked, a little puzzled. "Yeah, of course, he is a son of Poseidon. The god of sea. The sea will work better for him, but we don't have that luxury in Central Park, so the pond will work." she said. Adelle nodded, of course water healed him, Adelle felt kind of felt stupid after asking. 
 "Anyway, you hungry? I bought some hotdogs in the food truck." Sabine said to her, handing out a delicious looking hotdog out to Adelle. That was when she realized that she was enormously hungry. "Yeah, I'm starving." she said and gobbled the hotdog down. Sabine watched her eat with a little smile on her face. 


"When do you think he will surface?" Adelle asked. Sabine shrugged. "When he is fully healed, I guess?" she said. Adelle sighed and leaned back on her seat, taking another bite of her hotdog. "You are worried about him, aren't you?' Sabine asked with a mischievous smile on her face. "No! I mean, a little, I guess? But I'm more worried about the quest. If he doesn't surface, we wouldn't be able to continue for a while." she said. Sabine shrugged. "Eh, still sounds like you are worried about him. Why don't you check out? I think this pond isn't that deep." she suggested. "Sure." Adelle said and stood up, placing her hotdog on the bench she was sitting. "If I don't surface, please know I have drowned, or Mark has dragged me down so I wouldn't be able to surface. And... please do not eat my hotdog. I will finish it later." Adelle said with a grim face but playful light in her eyes. "As you wish." Sabine said with a bow. Adelle laughed as she plunged into the water. 

The water was a little murky and dirty, a few trashes floating around. But Adelle dove into the pond her cheeks puffed out like a blow fish.

When she reached the bottom, she searched for Mark, but he was nowhere in sight. Soon, she will run out of air, and she will have to go up again for air. She swam around the pond for the last time and was about to emerge when she was tugged violently to the bottom.

She let out a cream of surprise and found a hand gripping her ankle. She struggled against the grip but soon realized, that it was Mark's stupid hand. "Sorry- thought you were a monster." Mark said to her. Adelle scowled at him and swam up, Mark close behind. 

The Children of Hades (Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/ Trials of Apollo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now