Chapter 17

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A/N: I do not live in U.S, so... I don't know any geographical features of U.S, so... yeah... it might get confusing when the story mentions locations from now on... Sorry for that...


After walking to the New York city (Which almost killed her leg) they took a bus to the central park, Sabine told her that Chiron had said to check out the Central Park first since that was the last time Apollo was seen. Apparently, after he had crazy experiences as humans, he enjoyed walking among humans more than he had before. And the day he was kidnapped, he was seen last in the Central Park, taking a walk. So, Chiron thought there might be something left in the central park.

When they arrived at the Central Park, Mark looked at her and raised his eyebrows. "So, what now" he asked smugly like he was sure that she wouldn't be able to lead the group. "We rest in that bench for a while and eat lunch. Then we search the Central Park." she said. "What?" Mark cried out. "One of the gods are gone, and we are searching for him, and you want to eat LUNCH?" he asked. Adelle shrugged. "Yes, our brains and legs will work better with a full stomach." she said. "I agree, I'm starving." Sabine said from beside her. Adelle gave Sabine a mischievous look. Mark let out a frustrated growl. "Fine! Let's eat there." he said, pointing to a food truck. "Sure grumpy." Adelle said and walked over to the food truck with Sabine. Mark stomped behind them, sulking.

The Children of Hades (Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/ Trials of Apollo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now