Chapter 18

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After having a quick lunch, they split up to find any clues about Apollo's disappearance. Adelle got the south part of the park; Mark went to north, and Sabine went to west side of the park. 


After hours of searching for any signs of Apollo, the three met at a pond and all collapsed on a bench. "Nothing." Sabine said, sighing. "Yeah, nothing. It's like he just... puffed." Mark said, wiggling his hand like a magician. "Yeah, we know Mark." Adelle said, rolling her eyes. Mark glared at her. "Well, you are no better than us, you didn't find anything." he said. Adelle gave Mark her death glare. Sabine giggled. "You two bicker like a couple." she said. "SABINE!!" Adelle and Mark shouted at the same time and Sabine began to giggle uncontrobley until there were tears running down her eyes. "You guys are so...." she trailed off, her face suddenly becoming serious. Adelle tensed. "What is it? Are you alright Sabine? Did you saw something?" she asked. "Yeah... a trail of ichor." she said and pointed at the pond. Adelle saw it then, and wondered how they could have missed this, it was so obvious. A trail of ichor, the godly blood trailing into the pond. "Ichor..." Mark whispered and stood of from the bench, running to the golden blood. Mark touched the liquid with his hand and look ahead to the pond, his expression troubled. "What is it?" Adelle asked. "There's something in the water. Something that doesn't belong here." he whispered and approached the river with his sword withdrawn. Adelle looked around and saw no mortals around. Thank the gods.

"MARK! WATCH OUT!!"  Sabine called out and Adelle snapped back to attention to see Mark slamming into her. Adelle cried out as she fell on her back. Sharp pain stabbed her back. 

"Owwwwwwwwwwww." Adelle moaned and opened her eyes to find Mark face to face with her. She yelped. Mark looked quite startled and red. He was blushing furiously, and Adelle realized that he was on TOP of her. "Get off!!" she hissed at him, and Mark obeyed. looking a little dumbfounded. 

Adelle stood up too, turning her bracelet into a whip. It glinted in the setting sunlight. "What is that?" she asked to no one in particular. "That's a sea serpent. But I think it's a baby because Sea serpents are usually bigger than our friend over there is." he said. Gesturing to the turquoise sea serpent glaring at them with his snaky eyes. "Well, I don't care of it's a baby or not!! It can still gobble us up in one BITE!!" Adelle shouted at Mark. He rolled his eyes at her. "Well, then we should kill it right?" he asked, gesturing at the serpent with his sword. 

At the word 'kill' the serpent snapped his attention to Mark and lunged. He let out a startled yelp and swung his sword, cutting its tongue. The severed tongue shaded purple blood and while Adelle stared at it in horror, turned to dust and scattered on the wind. 

The Serpent roared in anger and started to attack Mark. Sabine was on its back, stabbing it with her dagger, but it didn't seem to mind her at all. "ADELLE!!" someone called her name. And she just came around to roll out as the serpent struck at her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HELP US KILL IT ADELLE!!"  Mark shouted at her. "ALRIGHT!! BE QUIET ALREADY!!" she shouted back and lashed out her whip. The whip seemed to know what she wanted to do because it coiled itself on the serpent's neck. Adelle smiled and started to run away from the serpent. squeezing its throat tighter and tighter. 

But the serpent was too strong and when it yanked her, Adelle was flung out off the ground, the whip still wrapped in the serpent's neck. he was thrown against the tree as her whip lost the grip on the serpent's neck.

She heard someone call out her name, but the world was too hazy. She must have hit her head. She tried to stand up, but it felt like every bone in her body had broken. She laid down on the grass, staring at the sky for a moment. But soon, heard her name again. It was Sabine, she was calling at her to wake the hell up and help them. Adelle slowly and painfully lifted herself up and shook her head. The world spun, she caught her balance and the world steadied. 

That was when she saw that the serpent's tail was coiled around Sabine's waste, squeezing her tightly. And Mark was lying on the ground. Unconscious, there was line of blood running from his head. Adelle shook her head once again and walked over to Mark. This wasn't something that can be solved with a whip. She picked up Mark's sword and started to charge. The sea serpent saw her and roared. She noticed that the sea serpent's right eye was gone and bleeding. She turned right so the monster wouldn't be able to see her and jumped at his head. Carved his left eye and slid down his neck as he thrashed. With all the strength she had left, she drove the blade into its heart. Black blood poured out. And Sabine was released, she landed safely onto the ground. Adelle, not so much, the monster thrashed, and she fell into the pavement, spraining her right wrist a little. She groaned out loud and flipped to see the sky. "You did it Adelle." She heard Sabine say. She smiled up at her. "Well, I had help." she said. "Can you drag me to the grass, I want to lie down there for a while." she said. "Sure." Sabine said and lifted her up, she was surprisingly strong. She carried her to fresh grass and laid her down. "There, now just stay here until I dump Mark into the water and let him heal." Sabine said and left. Adelle closed her eyes. 

She didn't notice earth coiling up to heal her cracked head and sprained wrist as she fell into sleep into another chapter of Bianca's memories.

The Children of Hades (Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/ Trials of Apollo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now