Chapter 22

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It took sometimes until Adelle's eyes adjusted to the dark. "Whoa. So dark." Sabine said from beside her. "Mark?" Adelle called to him. "Right here." his voice closer than she thought. "C'mon, let's go." he said. "Wait, I think I have a flashlight somewhere..." Sabine said, searching her backpack (which were in the bubble too since whatever inside that backpack wouldn't be useful if it's wet). "No flashlights, it might lure the monsters to us." Adelle said. Sabine paused as if she was thinking and said "Yeah, you're right." "Shall we go?" Mark asked, Sabine and Adelle nodded, and the three demigods headed deeper into the caves.

It seemed as they went deeper into the cave, it got darker and darker until Adelle could actually feel her pupils dilating. "Ugh, is it just me or is it getting darker and darker?" she asked finally. "It is." Mark replied, swimming ahead of them. "Even me, who can see in the dark sea is getting difficult to look." he said. "Hmph. Um, Sabine, I think it's time for your flashlight." Adelle said. "Yeah..." Sabine replied and the three demigods stopped moving. Soon, there was a light bright as star in Sabine's hands. "This flashlight is waterproof, so it will be okay." she said. "Good, let's go." Mark said and began to swim faster. "Hey! Not all of us is a good swimmer as you are barnacle brain!!" she called to him. Mark turned to her. "You have to you know; we can't just wonder around this tunnel you know. And DON'T call me barnacle brain. It's very insulting." he said.  "It's meant to be an insult." Adelle muttered which Mark pretended he didn't hear. 

The Children of Hades (Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/ Trials of Apollo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now