Chapter 28

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Just like that, the three demigods moved at night and slept at day. They hunted their food and lived like the ancient people. 

"I feel like I'm becoming more farther and father from humanity. We smell like wild animals." Sabine said, smelling her clothes and wincing at the smell. "I agree. I feel like we are becoming wild animals." Mark replied. Adelle didn't sound anything. She tilted her head a little. "Guys.. Do you hear that?" she asked. She could hear a faint gurgling sound from the distance and Adelle truly wished she wasn't hallucinationg. Sabine and Mark looked at her their face blank. Than slowly, Mark's eyes widened and his face brightened. "Water!!" he cried out and started to run towards the sound. "Well, that's one way to find water." Sabine said as the two girls followed Mark.

It turned out the water came from a small spring. The water was crystal clear and there were paw prints that looked like it belonged to cats all over the dirt near the spring. Mark was already dipping his fingers in the water. "Whoo... this water is really cold..." he whispered, his eyes were wide and it made him look like an excited child. "And the water is... special here." he whispered. "I think we can drink it. Let's bottle up our water bottles here." he said as he produced a empty water bottle from his back pack. "Good idea." Sabine said and started rumage around her bag. Adelle did the same. 

Soon the demigods had a full water bottles in their back pack and clean faces. "I think a lake is near here." Mark announced tilting his head. "Good. We can wash there." Sabine said, clapping her hands. "Yeah." Adelle said. "What is that sound?" Sabine asked. "What sou-" Adelle stopped, tilting head to listen better. Sure enough, there were weird meows coming from the direction to the lake. "I dunno. Maybe the cats are having a gathering or something." Mark replied simply and continued to walk faster. 

Soon, the demigods were standing on the banks of the lake. Listening to cats meowing in a very strange way. "We should wash." Mark said. They all nodded. Mark started to undress. "Wait, we are going to like, all go in there undressed?" Adelle asked, her brow furrowed. "Yeah, sure why not?" Mark replied but she could see hints of pink tainting his cheeks and tips of his ears. "We could just like, not take off the clothes that are on our private parts." Sabine suggested. "Yeah, sure." Mark said. Throwing off his shirt and shedding his clothes except for his shorts. Adelle and Sabine too took of their clothes except for their underwear. 


When all the demigods were now clean and dressed, the cats started to stream out from a little island in the lake. Eyeing them with their amber, green and blue eyes. It was kind of creepy. "Well, looks like you were right Mark. The cats were having a gathering." She muttered. Mark responded to her with a mumble. Adelle stared up at the sky as her friends slept beside her. "Where are you Apollo...?" she asked at the sky. "Where are you..."

The Children of Hades (Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/ Trials of Apollo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now