Chapter 14

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The next morning, Adele was called to the big house, when she entered the big house, Chiron was in his wheelchair, looking grim. Rachel Elizabeth Dare was looking fairly concerned and sitting in a couch and Mr. D... He was drinking diet Coak and eating cheese wheeze. 

"Why did you call me?" she asked to Chiron. "Well, Ms. Snow, it looks like you will have to go on a quest." he said. "What do you mean?" she asked. But there was a horrible feeling that she already knew the answer to her question. 

"Well, we 2 days ago, we received a message from Olympus saying that the god, Apollo had disappeared without a trace." Chiron said and paused, looking at her. She gestured at him to continue. "And... this morning... our oracle, Rachel Elizabeth Dare recited a prophecy." he said. "And...?" she asked. "And we think it is about you." Rachel cut in. Chiron nodded. "Ms. Dare, can you recite the prophecy again?" he asked. Rachel nodded and closed her eyes; green smoke came, and a musty wind breeze blew around them. And Ms. Dare was surrounded by green aura. 

"Three Half-Bloods shall answer the call they will go to find the god that had been taken
  One will be lost forever and two shall return
 There lies truth in the darkest of lies
 There lies love in the darkest of times
 The lost god shall be found
 But the Olympus will never be same"

The green aura evaporated, and Ms. Dare flopped in the chair, breathing heavily. The room was quiet except the sound of Mr. D eating his cheese wheeze.  Suddenly, there was knocking from outside. Chiron gave Adele a sad smile. "Looks like your quest mates are here." he said as he opened the door. 

The Children of Hades (Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/ Trials of Apollo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now