Chapter 6

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"Strange... very strange." Adele heard a voice beside her. She strained her eyes to open, but just couldn't. Something was pulling her down, down to the dark void. 

Adele gasped as she opened her eyes. "Oh good, she is awake." she heard Chiron say. "What- why-..." she sputtered. "Where am I? What happened?" she asked. "You are in the infirmary Ms. Snow. Chiron told her. "Why am I in the infirmary?" she asked, confused. Then everything came back to her, the silver bracelet, the strange ringing in her ears. "The bracelet whip!" she cried out. "Yes, the bracelet whip. I didn't know it was still there, but... it did something to you." Chiron said, his thick eyebrows looked like it was going to meet. "Tha- It- The whip was calling to me, and there was these strange ringing in my ears and I just..." she trailed off. "Yes." Chiron said. "The whip is made by the goddess of necromancy and ghosts, Melinoe. It was her gift to us thousands of years ago, she said the one who could control this weapon will be one of the greatest heroes in history." he said looking at her straight in the eyes. "So... what are you saying?" she asked. "You say the weapon called to you?" he asked. "Yeah?" she said, tilting her head a little. A blond boy came running to her and handed her a drink. "What's this?" she asked. "That's nectar the drink of the gods." the healer said. "Thanks." Adele mumbled and took a sip of it. It tasted like icy chamomile tea, her favorite drink. Adele drained the cup in a flash and the healer took the cup away from her. Chiron waited for a moment and put his hand in his pocket. "Here, I think you should have this." he said, handing her the silver bracelet whip. "Let's see if you are able to control this." he said. Adele took the bracelet whip. She stared into its ruby eyes. She felt the tingle again. Adele took a deep breath and slipped the bracelet to her left wrist (since she is left-handed). Adele closed her eyes, to clear the ringing out of her ears. After a few moments, the ringing started to fade. When Adele opened her eyes, Chiron was staring with her with worry, awe, and was that fear? But it quickly disappeared. "Shall we go to the arena?" he asked. Adele nodded and stood up. 

The training arena was empty. "Try changing the bracelet into a whip." Chiron suggested to her. "Okay." Adele said and closed her eyes, trying to picture her bracelet becoming a whip. She imagined the silver snake slowly slithering, expanding into a long silvery whip. And when she opened her eyes, she was holding a deadly silver whip. "Whoa..." she breathed, staring at the whip. She looked at Chiron and saw awe in his face. "I.... I did it." she whispered. Chiron nodded. "Yes, looks like you did it Ms. Snow. Still, you need to learn how to control the whip more, your enemy wouldn't wait for you to turn your bracelet into a whip before it attacks you." he said. Adele nodded. "Yeah... and um, thank you Chiron." she said. Chiron smiled. "You are the one who did it." he said. "Still." Adele said. "Thank you." she said. Chiron nodded. "You better come, today is capture the flag." he said and walked away. Adele closed her eyes and turned the whip into a bracelet again. It glinted ominously  in the moonlight.

The Children of Hades (Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/ Trials of Apollo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now