Chapter 9

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On their way to the lake, Adele saw a silver cabin. "Hey, who's cabin is this?" she asked. Sabine shrugged. "That's Artemis's cabin." she answered. "Can I go check it out?" she asked. "Sure, I'll wait you in the lake, you know the way, right?" she asked. "Yeah." Adele answered and like she was in trance walked over to the cabin and entered it. 

Adele closed the door behind her quietly and walked slowly towards the Artemis's alter. There were silver tipped arrows, moonstones that glowed faintly in the silver torchlight. The alter was beautiful. "Whoa..." she whispered to herself. "This is..." "Amazing?" a voice came from behind her. Adele yelped and whirled back to see a beautiful woman with curly red hair and sunny little freckles that matched perfectly with her sparking emerald-green eyes. "Who- Who are you?" she asked. The woman smiled. "My name is Rachel Elizabeth Dare; others know me as the Oracle of Delphi." she said smiling. Adele stared at the woman for a while, staring. "You really are an Oracle?" she asked. The woman- Rachel nodded. "Yes, I had a feeling you'd be in here. There are lot of things that you don't know of Adele, you are going to have to face a hard truth. And you will have to choose between life or love." she said. Adele stared at the woman. "Wha- What do you mean?" she asked. The woman just smiled a sad smile. "Soon, you will get to know soon." she said and walked over to the door and opened it for Adele. "But for now, it is not your time to realize the truth, go to your friend, Sabine. Enjoy the happiness and peace while you can. I'm sorry Adele." she said. Adele, stunned and numb, went out of the cabin to the lake where Sabin was waiting for her. 

The Children of Hades (Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/ Trials of Apollo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now