Chapter Four: vision

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My eyes squeeze tight as my ears twitch. I struggled to get my eyes open while pushing myself up to sit. When I do sit and open my eyes, I am in a cell. The walls are solid silver, the ground made of some kind of concrete material. I raised my hands, I was chained. I frantically looked at my legs. My fingers went up to my neck, a shackle laid there comfortably.

The girls were right.

But why didn't I always remember this after I leave? The one thing I always feel like I'm forgetting. The ladies would remove my memory of this place. Now my friends already planted the idea, I knew they would remind me. I did as Moira instructed, I reached into my mouth and touch the tracker twice. It was to assure them that I was fine and yes, they were right.

I drummed my fingers on the ground, listening to the sounds of dripping water. It smells wrapped itself around my nostrils, along with the scent of musk. That was all I could perceive apart from the sharp metallic smell of metal.

"I've heard there was a secret cord
That David played and it please the Lord
And you don't really care for music, do ya?
Well it goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall and the major lift
A baffled king composing hallelujah..." I sang to pass time. That's the only thing I could do, sing while rocking myself like a baby. I didn't want jumbled up thoughts, no more confusion, no more worries until what is to happen would happen.

"You know em Majesty
You wonder what's happening
You wonder on how they get
Things done fast and you are yet
They fly faster than hummingbirds
Th...aaah!" I screamed as a sudden wave of pain vibrated through my brain. The charge of currents flowing into my head put all singing on halt and made me hold my head. My fangs scurry out of it depths and push hard against my lips.

"Nokomis, focus, pay attention to the vision and don't fight it." A voice rang in my head, increasing the pain and throbbing.

Vision, what vision?

The answer was given to me as the images I had been seeing for weeks replayed itself in my head. At first, it was a rush, but then it slowed down. It was a stream, a small stream. A little girl was hopping from rock to rock as she held the hem of her dress. She was singing a song, a nursery rhyme, as she hopped. She jumped on the bank of the stream and clapped with a giggle.

I watched her skip on, swinging her dress and pigtails bouncing behind her. She looked familiar, very familiar. Her hair was dark brown and swishing from left to right. I looked at her face, so familiar... Mom! Mom! She looks exactly like mom! I wondered if it meant she was mom when she was younger. Then I remembered, mom had buff hair and hazel brown eyes, not grey.

I was still wondering what it was as I ponder over it. She stopped walking and gasped. I could hear howls, loud howls, coming from the woods. The girl panicked and ran, her little feet rushing off deeper into the forest. I could feel her fear, I could hear her start to cry as the beasts chased her.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She screamed. She was just six, only six. She tripped over a fallen branch and cried harder. The girl, the girl... My head hurt, as if trying to tell me something about the girl, who she was. She scrambled to a tree, sobbing as the wolves surrounded her, seven werewolves. They were rogues, I could almost taste their smell at the tip of my tongue.

The leader shifted back to human while laughing. "Well, well, well, look what we have got here, it's a little stray wolf. What happened? Your family abandoned you?" He mocked. She shook her head. "She's from Crescent pack, I can smell them all over her. Whose daughter are you?" When she raised her terrified eyes to meet the tall guy, my trance world froze.

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