Chapter Sixty-seven: It's not over yet

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Asia's viewpoint

   The wolf was strong, I give her credit for that. Even in wolf form, she was stronger and I wondered why she hadn't shifted since it would be easier to use her magic, but that thought was for myself. Having no other such, Myrtle forced me to shift to a horrible form because her light was doing more of the hurting than her fighting.

   Shooting my hands forward repeatedly to at least get a hit on her while trying to maintain my barrier in case she used her speed to come closer, I also concentrated on grounding my spell, the spell I learnt from a ancient book. A spell that hunts positive and light energy. It was the only way I could get pass her.

   The wolf was fast, too fast as she skillfully dodged every attack I sent to her, almost with effort. She had been running around for over ten minutes without actually trying to attack me, almost as she wanted to exhaust me first. She had no idea I could never be drained.

‘No, I think she is up to something,’ Myrtle said suspiciously. ‘Her glow increases every single second, almost like she's channelling her powers into a spell.’

   Spell or not, I just needed to keep her away enough for me to finish my spell. The wolf suddenly leapt forward, a powerful light bursting out of her body. I used one of the serpents to cover my eyes as I groan, stepping away from the light or trying to step away. I felt time freeze around me because the wind stilled. However, I jumped out of the way before she collide with me.

   I opened my eyes when the light stopped. I was shocked to see myself in a bright space. The ground was made out of some kind of jewel, it colour between pink and yellow. Space rocks flew around here and there in the sky, the lavender sky. I caught myself in time to snap my neck to the wolf staring at me.

   "Where, where am I?" I asked. Stupid thing to ask a giant wolf. Instead of answering, the place began to spin, like really really spin. I dug my hands and feet to the ground to hold myself before I fly off.

   As the place continued to spin faster and faster, her body glowed brighter until only light surrounded her.

We can't work like this, Asia, I'm taking over.

Xyra's viewpoint

   I merged us back together, I needed to do that. It was easier to take back my body as within two minutes, I was on my knees, naked and Majesty back in my head. I panted from exhausting my powers that much. I shouldn't have done that but I had to.

‹Xyra, Myrtle!›

   I shot up from my kneeling position to see the world I created turning black as Myrtle's dark shadow magic spread everywhere. The fog grew wider, filling the entire space and trapping me in my own world.

   "Okay, not good," I reached in for the energy that was left in me and brought it out. My entire body glowed as the energy swirled around me to keep the shadows three feet away from me.

   One shadow snake suddenly appeared. I wasn't fast enough to avoid it so it struck me on my back. My body went flying through the dark clouds but before I plunge into the ground, another appeared and struck me at my side, throwing me off again. It continued like that with them striking and biting me before I caught myself.

   The venom of the snake quickly spread across my body. I focused my energy on trying to destroy it from the inside. It wasn't going well. The venom felt like being eaten alive, organs after organs and excruciatingly slow but yet quick. The pain made it too hard to focus on what to do and how to do it.

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