Chapter Fifty-eight: The knowledge in the book (2)

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Xyra's viewpoint

   "It's not known how she found out about Myrtle, but she did and she found a way resurrected Myrtle's evil spirit to make herself powerful. Now she has all the witches and warlocks under her control. The witches and warlocks live on their own just like wolves and co. They too have their own barrier but nobody knew that and assume they were mostly dead. With Asia and Myrtle in one body, they have possess rogue vampires, shifters and presently, elves."

   "Where do I come in? Where does Carswell come in?"

   "Selene saw this in time, she knew a repeat of the war was going to take place and this time, it would be worse because Asia would use Carswell to achieve that. Trust me when I say if the lycan dragon had been successfully possessed, the war is as good as over. There was no other way to stop it without ruining the balance of time and fate, there was no other way so Zeus ordered her to let go of the last and only daughter that could stop everything…" Her voice faded away as the whiteness suddenly took form.

   It was a throne room, a beautiful one that I knew was Selene's. Selene stood at her throne, holding on tightly to an infant. She looked furious as she yelled at a very handsome looking man who equally looked pissed. There was another one that looked like sunlight standing at the staircase of her throne, a woman beside him. Somehow, I knew they were Helios and Solana, goddess of the sun.

   "I am not giving my baby to him! Tell him to get out! I refuse to accept that my little angel is mated to an animal!"

   "Do not say that," the handsome stranger snap, "you can't take her away from Narendranath, they are mates!"

   "I have already taken her. I would not let my precious child be mated to a…a… dragon!"

   "What difference does it make!"


   "Selene, calm down," the handsome Helios standing beside her sighed, pinching the bride of his nose. It was clear he rather be anywhere else but in the midst of the arguement. "You know by right that the child belongs to Narendranath, the golden moon specifically made her for him…"

   "So what? I give my baby to him to take care of?" Selene cut Helios off. "No, I will not give the baby over to you, Zenobius Xanthons, go home."

   "What do I have to do to get people to call me Zenobius! You don't have to call my full name and you have no right to keep her!"

   "She is my daughter! I bore her!"

   "For his sake, Selene, his sake! Helios, you know what will happen if she doesn't give her to him. Selene, she'll die if she doesn't mate with him by the time she turns thirty."

   "When she turns thirty, I'll make sure she lives. For now, get out!" The image changed. It was outside the Selene's castle. A one year old girl… No, a one year old me stood behind Selene as she yelled at the dragon who looked like he wanted to kill her.

   "Selene, enough of your yelling! Give me what belongs to me!"

   "Never! I will not hand my daughter over to you!" Tears formed in my eyes as I continued to watch them yell. The memory of that day came back to me, so I wasn't surprise when the one year old me ran out of hiding and to the dragon. "Nokomis! Come back here!"

   "Emperor," I squealed, throwing myself on him. He caught me with his face, using it to support me from falling. I squealed again as I turned on him.

   "Little one, you should be careful and what's with the new name?"

   "Kitty big and strong, I call Emperor," I continued to giggle.

   "Kitty?" Emperor asked with a deep amuse chuckle. Selene came forward and snatch me away, disappearing behind Selene? Oh, Alkina. Alkina was the one who took me that day and hid behind mother. I suddenly remembered that I had seven older sisters; half-sisters. I was the only one who wasn't formed from a man's or god's sperm. I was mysteriously conceived on the golden moon.

   "Stay away, Narendranath, I'm warning you." Mother threatened.

   "She would be mine, no matter how hard you fight it," Emperor declared. I remembered everything. My mother and eldest sister, Alkina, loved me more. They were always freaking out over me because they feared that one day, I'd run to Emperor.

   Unlike them, I wasn't growing fast. I was aging at a very slow pace because mum slowed it down to buy me enough time. She didn't want me to be with Emperor for reasons I couldn't fathom. Every golden moon, I would feel him calling out to me and try to find him, so mum would always give me to Aunt Aurora to keep me locked up in her room where Emperor couldn't reach. I also saw the day my sisters left for earth, how the blessings were bestowed on them and the way they ended the war and died.

   The book showed me everything. Then it showed me the day mother sent me down. She feared I might die like the others, so she pleaded with Hera to send me as an infant to two alphas. I was a mature lady then, I saw myself kneeling as Hera used her powers to remake me into a baby after receiving blessings from the goddesses and sent me down to my wolf mother's womb. But what she didn't know was that by sending me down as a werewolf, my celestial powers would crush my mortal body and my werewolf wasn't strong enough to weigh it.

   I was indeed dying as a baby. To save me, Hera sent the ladies to take me to the castle that would weaken my powers for a while and then they would later train me. Unfortunately, it was not enough, the powers drove Majesty mad and that was why I couldn't shift. The book also made me know that the ladies, Kelly to be precise, entered a covenant with three dark gods so they could hide them from Hera.

   Hera could easily wipe them out, but they tied the covenant to Majesty's soul. As long as Majesty couldn't break free, I would die if Hera or any other goddess interferes.

   There was no way they could find get me out without breaking balance. I didn't even know Majesty was dying in me, neither did she. Selene felt it, she knew and she was also aware that she had to find a way to awake Majesty and set me free. The only thing she could do was make some rogues plan to attack my pack so the vision would go to me. Then she whispered the idea to Moira and Zephyr who told me.

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