Chapter Thirty-eight: The shifter dragon

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Xyra's viewpoint

   He knew when it clicked, my thoughts and shock must have reached him through the mate bond. His head instantly snapped to me. My eyes were wide open with shock, disbelief, hurt, sympathy. My mate was going through a lot. For a lycan not being able to father a child, let alone a heir to the throne, it was horrible. He was able to escape the shame when he didn't have me, but soon, everyone would know.

   I finally understood why he didn't want a mate, the deepest reason why. Why he didn't even want any woman. The wound of whatever happened was deep and hurting my mate so bad, for the moment he knew I knew, I felt his pain wash over me through the mate bond. His eyes glistened, he was going to break down.

   "No, baby, don't," I whispered, instantly wrapping my arms around him, "don't, not here,"

   "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he whispered. I pressed his face deeper into my chest to muffle any more words from coming out.

   "Uncle, is everything okay?" Okay, this kid is good. He walked up to us without me noticing and was already crouching beside me. The kid placed his hand on his back and patted it. "Are you sad, Uncle Carswell?" Carswell pushed his face away from my chest and gave him a sad smile.

   "I'm not, but I will be. My erasthasis will make me feel better later,"

   "Oh," he said with mouth opening like a fish's. He looked at me with wide happy eyes and giggled. "you're pretty,"

   "Awwwn," I awed, suddenly feeling like holding him, "what's your name, little man?"

   "Álváró, but most times, daddy calls me Lemuel,"

   "You are so cute," I said, pinching his soft cheek, "and so soft. What are you doing here?"

   "I followed Uncle so I could see my new mum, and you too. Uncle have been telling me about you, he loves you," I looked at Carswell and smirked.

   "Like, Álváró, like, not love,"

   "Yet," Al added with a grin, "now why are you crying? Your face is covered with dried tears. Is that why uncle ran away from me to come find you?"

   "Yeah," I sighed, suddenly remembering my problems. Honestly, I wasn't seeing his impotence as a problem, I didn't believe he was. He bang so good and with intense stamina, why the hell would he be impotent?

   "Why is my library scattered?" He asked as he looked around the mess with a frown, "who did this to my haven?"

   "I did, I'm sorry, I was looking for something, a book, but couldn't find it." I murmured, a little bit shocked from how quick he switched from cute to serious.

   "If you had told uncle to ask me, I would have told you where to find the book. Now, what book do you seek?"

   "The book isn't here," Moira said as she picked him up again. Álváró gravitated to her, instantly melting into her arms and giggling.

   "Mummy, I ask again, what book do you seek?"

   "The chronicle of time, know it?"

   "Of course I do, I know everything. Do you wish to find the book?"

   "Yes!" I shouted. Hope replaced my hopelessness once again. The little kid was the missing puzzle and he was about to fix it.

   "The book is being kept by the thousand tailed fox," Al said and closed his eyes. Zeph gasped when a crown suddenly appeared across his forehead. The red stone glowed briefly before he opened his eyes.

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