Chapter Twenty: scorching heat (2)

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Zephyr's viewpoint

   "Sorry? I thought you weren't a virgin?" Oh, it was on purpose.

   "The last time I checked, I freaking changed body which means I am somewhat like that! Be gentle with…" I ended up moaning as he immediately moved to shut me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him deeper for a better penetration.

   He began moving slowly, excruciatingly slow. It was nice but not want I needed to ease the damn heat. "Zane, please, forget what I said about gentle and don't be gentle," I pleaded.

   He sighed with relief, "thank God, I thought you would never ask," and just like that, his gentle strokes jumped out of the window and died prematurely.

   The pleasure rose through every single senses in my body and out. Each outstanding thrust hit my very core and drove me closer to the comfort I needed. He continued to smash me hard and fast, our breathing and panting mixed well, along with our moans. He never paused for a second, never took his eyes off me because I could feel he was looking at me. And when we finally came, he hugged me tight as the pleasure shook us both.

   My body tingled as my chest rose and fell with my breathing coming out frantic and harsh. I opened my eyes for the first time and came face to face with pink ceiling?


   I was about to look down to question him when he wrapped his hands around my ankles and yanked me down. I yelped from the sudden and unexpected pull, reaching my hands out to hold anything to stop me from being yank down. I squeaked as I was lifted and planted on rock hard thighs. I looked at my mate's face and saw him smirking.

   "You didn't think that was it, did you?" I gulped with fear, "did you forget you left me and my lycan and disrespected us and our bond? Did you think I would let you be just like that?"

   "Er…yes?" I stammered. He chuckled deeply.

   "You better pray your heat is long enough to handle me, because by the time I'm done with you, you wouldn't be able to walk for days." The way he said it scared the shit out of me, but I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

   Before I could protest and defend myself, he lifted me up and impaled me on his length. I gasped loudly from the hard impalement while he chuckled. He let me sit down for a few seconds to let my body adjust to the new position. But of course, he ran kisses down my neck as his hands ran down to find the hem of my dress. When he did, he pulled it up over my head and leaned back to observe my chest.

   I stared at him nervously, waiting for a positive reaction. After what felt like forever, he growled in approval and nodded his head, before lowering his head to take my nipple into his mouth and let his hands fondle with my breasts at the same time. I wasn't just going to sit there and let the pressure kill me. So, I lifted myself up by pushing my weight to my knees and using his shoulders to support me.

   I slid down back his length, emitting a sharp breath from his mouth and mine. He lifted his head from my breasts, cupped my cheeks and attacked my mouth with his. The sensation was nerve thrashing, mind scattering, mind blowing!

   "Shit," he muttered into my mouth when I clenched around him. It didn't stop our breathless kiss, our hot kiss which was starting to suffocate me, but I didn't care. I moaned his name as I slid up and down him, letting his length fill me up to the very core and stroke my G-spot somehow. His hands held my hips, but he didn't control my movements, it was solely me.

   I hissed with pleasure as I continued to slide up and down his impressive length, "why does this…this…this…feel like the best sex in my entire life?" I gasped out.

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