Chapter Thirty-five: Okay, what's going on?

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Xyra's viewpoint

   The interior of the castle was even better than the outside. It was literally made entirely of yellow diamonds with crystal and ruby chandeliers, jade curtains and portraits with frames made of rose and white gold. The air smelt like lavender, jasmine and apple. The furniture so far were either made out of white or rose gold, crystal and were all vintage. I still prefer my home to it.

   "Shelumiel," Carswell called as he kicked the big white gold doors open, a wide grin on his face. No doubt that the king was his very old and trusted friend. The throne room was just like Carswell's, so obvious that they renovated it to look just like each other, only that the elf's was white gold while Carswell's was gold and garnet.

   The woolly rosegold carpet that led up to the eight staircase which had four feet elvens with crescent shaped wings and a bow and arrow pointing at all in front of it, stood at each side of the stairs. Then the throne where an elf sat was made out of a mesmerising green jewel, one I can swear I've never seen anywhere before.

   The elf sitting on the throne was another beauty to behold. He had the thickest gold locks I have ever since, pure gold and so full not a part of his skull was bald. Unlike the other elves who all had bone straight long or short hair styled into this or that, his was obviously curly from mid length to the sharp blunt tips. The hair curled up on his laps and draped down his throne. That elf, Natalie was kneeling at his feet, holding his knees as she gushed something in their native language to him while he blinked his long gold lashes slowly and uninterestedly.

   The elf was tall, few inches taller than Carswell with green eyes that mirrored the green of his throne, almost like Kelly and harlequin green swimming in each other. His skin was slightly lighter than alabaster and it was shimmering slightly. His small red lips were shaped into a frown. He was cute and attractive and had cute pointy nose!

Oh my God!

   Carswell snapped his head to me, a low disapproving gasp coming from his chest. Oops, he might have heard that. His growl definitely drew the elf's attention since the brutal kick didn't. His frown turned into a smile and his eye glinted with excitement and love.

   "Dulcinea, baby!" I almost missed my step when I heard the name. I took a whiff from trying to catch myself before I fall flat on the ground.

   "I've told you to stop calling me that," Carswell growled.

   "But it is your name, isn't it, Dulcy?" I snorted out a laugh, catching the elf's attention.

   "Dulcinea? That's what the D in your name stands for?" I laughed. "Jesus, Carswell, who named you?"

   "His father wanted a male and a female but ended up with just him. He couldn't let the name go to waste, so he named our sweet Carswell here the name," elf guy laughed, "and you must be Xyra, the beautiful erasthasis I've heard so much about. Zane told me you gave him one heck of a chase,"

Oh my goodness! He's so cute!

   He was smiling as he descended the stairs, his hair acting as a heel length cape, almost rubbing the floor. If his hair wasn't curly and packed into a high ponytail, it would have been sweeping the floor. He wore ripped yellow jeans, loose black cap sleeve shirt and black Nike vans.

Again, freaking cute!

‘Really, Xyra? He's cute now?’ Carswell growled in my head. ‘I am supposed to be the only cute one!’

‘You are my only cute one, but that doesn't mean others aren't. You are more of feminine cuteness with a strong dose of sexy hot god. He is more of boyish cuteness with a higher dose of elegance and godly sophistication. You can be classified as hot, cute, sexy, a hunk, juicy, but to me, he is more of adorable, cute, stylish, beautiful, gorgeous and alluring. He is definitely not a hunk.’

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