Chapter Fifty-two: Wow

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Xyra's viewpoint

   I have seen a lot of beautiful things: trees, water bodies, creatures, portraits, sculptures, books, utensils and even rocks; a whole lot of amazing things that are uniquely beautiful in their own way. But none had left me breathless like the one standing in front of me in all his glory. I thought Emperor was magnificent, but I had no idea he was nothing.

   A dragon, a real life dragon was standing in front of me. I couldn't even calculate his height as he seemed bigger with every single blink of my eyes. His body was gold, like a real gold with flaming red tips, just like Emperor's. His claws shared the same shades of colour like his scales, just like Emperor but his claws were sharper and longer. His head was surrounded with some kind of lava red gem stones, forming jewel mane around his head, over his neck and down to his front hinds.

   His tail was gold but also had the same stones on it, only spiky and blazing with red fire. His eyes were gold, at least his irises were gold while his corneas were red. His underbelly however was white and looked very soft and fleshy, almost making me think of fresh white pork. His wings matched his belly, white gold with edges as sharp as a million elf blades.

He was magnificent.

   I'd always felt the pull, but I felt it even more with him in his true form. This was my original mate, my true mate. He was so glorious it brought tears to my eyes. He was looking at me with raw love and compassion, more than anyone have ever done.

   "Wow," I sobbed, "you are breathtaking,"

   "Thank you, Artemis," he said. His voice was deep and yet so soft and tender, the most pleasant thing I have ever heard.

   "You are my mate, my true mate, aren't you?"

   "You are Carswell's mate, do not misunderstand that,"

   "But he is a lycan, and you are a dragon…"

   "But I am his lycan as his lycan is me. Our souls are merged, our bodies are one. You are my mate as you are his. Do you know why you decided to call him Emperor?"

   "Because I felt like it," I continued to sob.

   "Because many years ago, you named me Emperor. The translation of my name is emperor, but you did not know that, you just called me what you felt back then and even now. I am glad that even in this life, your heart recognises me," he gave me a toothy smile that melt my heart.

   "But if you are reincarnating in my child, what does that mean?"

   "It means my powers would transfer to my offspring like it should, but my soul would remain in the lycan for I am him and he is me. I would lose my dragon form completely and fully merge with the lycan to become a lycan dragon. That is what I meant when I told him I would be finally free. All this time his lycan came out, I was there but never there. I had to sleep all the time to contain the powers and souls in me. If I should be awake all the time…"

   "It would have torn him apart?" I asked, fearfully walking closer to him. "So you were asleep to protect him and yourself?"

   "And to suppress my existence, just in case of anything. I cannot wait to be free to feel it when you are with me. After so many years, I would finally get the one thing I craze for." I stopped in front of him and put out my hands so I could touch his head. He bent his head down by sitting and lowering himself completely to the ground.

   "Why? Why didn't Selene let you have me?" I cried. "Why can't I remember anything? I want to remember, I want to remember those girls. They look very familiar and important but I don't know who they are. The knowledge is there, but I Just can't recognise it. My mind is blank and yet the answer is obvious. Why can't I remember the obvious answer?"

   "If the gods do everything for mortals, how would they learn?" He asked cryptically.

   "But, I am part of them, aren't I? Isn't that what a moon daughter is? Worshipper of Selene and the moon?"

   "I would have loved to spend more time with you, little mate, but I must go now. The hour was spent trying to shift and Carswell's human body cannot take the weight of the shift any more. Please, take the book and let it give you all the answer you seek." He wasn't going to answer any of my questions, but it was okay. If I could get the book, the mystery would finally come to an end.

   "Alright," he got back on his feet. I walked under his belly and looked up. He was standing with stomach lowered to the ground so I could still reach it. It was easy to spot the scale since it was the only crystal blue one.

   I made my way to it, reached up for it and carefully laced my fingers around the big scale. The scale was the size of two steering wheels put together. My fingernails turned gold immediately they touched the scale. The colour transferred into the crystal, running thin gold lines to the root of the scale. Once I felt a tingle in my palm, I positioned myself and pulled with all my strength and might.

   The scale came off but due to the force I was using to pull it, I crashed on the ground. The scale was freaking heavy. It felt like I was carrying two bulldozer trucks with heavy anchors. The weight of the scale helped flatten me to the ground.

   "What the… help?"

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