Chapter Twenty-seven: What do I have to do?

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Xyra's viewpoint

   I'd always wanted to know why I was born, what I was meant for. Even though it was always at the back of my mind, I dreaded the day I would find out for real and face my purpose. Standing there in the mist, eyes looking down from the cloud I stood on, I watched the battle below. There was blood, dead bodies, silver, everything you could find in a battle of paranormals. I couldn't quite tell who the battle was with, but I knew it was against the werecanids.

   The sight was unbearable, and each shifter that died made my heart break even more. I couldn't bear to watch it no more, so I looked up at the blood red sky with tears in my eyes. My heart beat against my eardrums that seemed to be aching along with my head. Sweat formed on the surface of my skin, around my neck which I knew was flushed. It was like I couldn't breathe, but somehow, I was alive and still here.

   "Show me what I need to do, what do I need to do?" I shouted out. "This," I looked down at the destruction below, "can't happen, ever! If this should ever happen, many would die, many would never escape."

   "Learn the beginning of the story, and rewrite the ending."

   "The ending to what!" I shrieked, looking back at the sky "I don't know what story I am looking into? Is it the witches? Werewolves? Lycans?! Give me something to work with here! Something to work towards! I can't just go in blind or try to find what I don't even know. I need to know what I'm looking for!"

   "The chronicle of time, Nokomis, find it. But for every thing you must do, never let your mate out of your sight. He is the beginning and the end of the war. If who is after him should ever get him, you will never be able to end it before it even start or either of you would die."

   "But how am I supposed to make him take me everywhere he goes? He would never take me along if he knows a war is coming! Werewolves are protective of their mates, let alone a lycan and to crown it all, the fucking king! He would never let me leave the castle ground! Selene, I know this is you, just tell me what I have to do instead of making me just roam about like a fucking fool!"

   "Then you wouldn't be doing your job, would you? Carswell will be handled, just play your part right and learn the beginning of the story. We will meet again, Nokomis."

   "It's Xyra!"

   I opened my eyes, confusion and anger printed on my face. She could just tell me, but she wasn't doing that either. I knew it wasn't the law of the gods to make things easy for their subjects. They had to set themselves free. It was clear I was like an ambassador, so it was my duty to protect my kind, stop the war, figure out what the hell the whole thing was about and keep my mate safe.

    Someone was hovering over me, face filled with panic as he shook me. I looked around and notice I was in a hospital room, the nurses and doctors running here and there to keep me alive?

   "Xyra, just hang on, okay?" He said in panic and worry.

What the hell?

   I jolted upward in an instant, startling him and the nurses. He immediately came to my side to hold me down, but I rest my hand on his quickly, sending as much assurance as I could through our touch. He paused for a second, before his eyes flickered red and I was back on the bed.

   "What happened? Why are you panicking? Why am I here?"

   "You were dying! I was freaking watching you die!" He screamed, and I almost saw tears in his eyes. "We were asleep, and then you suddenly stopped breathing…"

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